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Promoting racehorses
and supporting their retraining
Promoting racehorses
and supporting their retraining


Retrained horses of the month

From now on the Au-Delà des Pistes team will have the pleasure of announcing an “ex-racehorse of the month”. This will be a thoroughbred that has shone in its new discipline. We hope to show the breed’s versatility by showcasing a maximum variety of different disciplines.

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Rhania est une cavalière de 20 ans, orientée jeunes chevaux. Elle a trouvé Astral (MUHAARAR et MIA CAPRI (DALAKHANI)), il y a 4 ans au Haras de Bosherville, une écurie référencée Au Delà des Pistes. Son compagnon de jeu, est un pur-sang gris âgé de 6 ans. Astral est un cheval au grand cœur, volontaire et déterminé à réussir. Elle est extrêmement contente de l'avoir dans sa vie et ensemble, ils vont continuer à prouver que les pur-sangs sont tout aussi capables que n'importe quelle autre race.

Rhania est une cavalière de 20 ans, orientée jeunes chevaux. Elle a trouvé Astral (MUHAARAR et MIA CAPRI (DALAKHANI)), il y a 4 ans au Haras de Bosherville, une écurie référencée Au Delà des Pistes. Son compagnon de jeu, est un pur-sang gris âgé de 6 ans. Son histoire est celle d'un cheval pas comme les autres : il a été vendu aux enchères pour une somme considérable évaluée selon son pédigrée et ses aspirations sportives, mais finalement sans vocation pour la course, il n’a jamais couru. Surnommé Papoum pour son sang-froid, Astral a rapidement montré un tempérament vif et plein de vie.Bien que les pur-sangs soient souvent considérés comme sensibles et limités dans leurs capacités, Astral a défié ces préjugés. Malgré ses premiers mois fragiles, il a su s'adapter et aujourd'hui, il profite pleinement de la vie au pré, ne portant des fers qu'aux antérieurs. Rhania avait entendu dire que les pur-sangs ne pouvaient pas rivaliser en concours, mais Astral a prouvé le contraire. Il y a moins d'un an, il a réalisé son premier parcours sans faute en prépa 60. Et il y a quelques semaines, il réalise son premier tour en amateur 2 grand prix 105, où ils ont terminé avec une barre sur le dernier ! Astral est un cheval au grand cœur, volontaire et déterminé à réussir. Elle est extrêmement contente de l'avoir dans sa vie et ensemble, ils vont continuer à prouver que les pur-sangs sont tout aussi capables que n'importe quelle autre race.Au début du mois de mai, ils se sont lancés dans un nouveau défi : le concours Jump Em sur la plage de Ouistreham en Amateur 2 grand prix 105. Le rêve de sa propriétaire est de le voir évoluer sur des belles épreuves, et avec sa détermination et sa volonté, elle est convaincue qu’ils peuvent y arriver.

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Le 3ème ambassadeur, le cheval mystère n’est autre que PRINCE GIBRALTAR . Le public pourra découvrir le quotidien de l’ancien champion virtuellement dimanche 30 juin 2024 sur l’Hippodrome de Saint-Cloud.


Comme Retraining of Racehorses, l’Association Au-delà des Pistes (ADDP) lance les Journées Ambassadeurs Hippodromes (JAH) avec le soutien de France Galop : 5 hippodromes français ont répondu présents pour s’associer à 5 chevaux réformés, d’anciens Champions connus et reconnus.ADDP est ravie d’annoncer cette nouvelle initiative visant à mettre en valeur la polyvalence des chevaux réformés des en lumière l’association et de récolter des fonds lors de journées de Grand Prix avec une visibilité optimale grâce au soutien de France Galop. Une photo de chaque Champion sera installée et inaugurée sur l’hippodrome associé.

Le 3ème ambassadeur, le cheval mystère n’est autre que PRINCE GIBRALTAR . Le public pourra découvrir le quotidien de l’ancien champion virtuellement dimanche 30 juin 2024 sur l’Hippodrome de Saint-Cloud.

PRINCE GIBRALTAR : Mâle PS ALE - 29/05/2011 : Élevé par JF. Gribomont. Entraîné par Jean Claude Rouget et Henri Alex Pantall, il a couru en courses de plat, gagnant de groupe en France et à l’étranger (2 G1, 1 G2). 1 003 577€ de gains lors de sa carrière en France et 193 814€ de gains à l’étranger : Rome, Munich-Riem, York ... en 15 courses, 4 victoires et 8 places. Aujourd’hui à la retraite au Haras de Cercy , PRINCE GIBRALTAR est étalon depuis 2016 et a produit plus de 300 poulains.

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Le second ambassadeur, l’incroyable CIRRUS DES AIGLES, connu dans le monde entier, viendra à la rencontre de ses fans le dimanche 2 juin 2024 lors du traditionnel Qatar Prix du Jockey Club sur l’Hippodrome de Chantilly. A la retraite chez son entraîneur Corine Barande Barbe, le public pourra admirer le champion crinière au vent lors de sa parade au rond de présentation.

Les Journées Ambassadeurs Hippodromes

Le second ambassadeur, l’incroyable CIRRUS DES AIGLES, connu dans le monde entier, viendra à la rencontre de ses fans le dimanche 2 juin 2024 lors du traditionnel Qatar Prix du Jockey Club sur l’Hippodrome de Chantilly. A la retraite chez son entraîneur Corine Barande Barbe, le public pourra admirer le champion crinière au vent lors de sa parade au rond de présentation.

CIRRUS DES AIGLES : Hongre PS Bai - 08/05/2006 : Élevé par suc. Y Lelimouzin et B. Deschamps (Even Top x Taille de Guêpe (Septième)). Entraîné par Mme Barande Barbe, a couru en courses de plat, multiple gagnant de groupe en France et à l’étranger (7 G1, 5 G2 et 5 G3). 1 922 590€ de gains lors de sa carrière en France et 6 000 000€ de gains à l’étranger : Dubai, Ascot, Epsom ... en 51 courses, 19 victoires et 31 places.

Comme Retraining of racehorses en Angleterre, l’Association Au-delà des Pistes (ADDP) lance les Journées Ambassadeurs Hippodromes (JAH) avec le soutien de France Galop : 5 hippodromes français ont répondu présents pour s’associer à 5 chevaux réformés, d’anciens Champions connus et reconnus. ADDP est ravie d’annoncer cette nouvelle initiative visant à mettre en valeur la polyvalence des chevaux réformés des en lumière l’association et de récolter des fonds lors de journées de Grand Prix avec une visibilité optimale grâce au soutien de France Galop. Une photo de chaque Champion sera installée et inaugurée sur l’hippodrome associé.

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Depuis maintenant un peu plus de 6 ans, Céline et son pur-sang ont appris à se connaître et ont vécu d'incroyables aventures. Aussi attachant que courageux, Magno s’est reconverti dans l’accompagnement de l’humain et le spectacle équestre.

Offrir une seconde vie à un cheval était la motivation principale de Céline à se tourner vers les pur-sang.Au sein d’une écurie de reconversion (écurie seconde chance), elle rencontre Magno, un petit hongre gris de tout juste 3 ans, réformé avant d’avoir couru (faute de rester dans le rang à l’entrainement de steeple). Le coup de cœur de l’annonce se confirma avec son tempérament explosif et sa morphologie harmonieuse, assez trapue pour un pur-sang. Objectif n° 1 : lui offrir un nouvel environnement pour qu’il vive une vraie vie de cheval, en troupeau, au pré, sans fers. Une transition difficile mais qui, après un an, a porté ses fruits : un cheval bien dans ses pieds avec seulement 2 ou 3 parages annuels et des hipposandales pour les sorties sur sols durs. Objectif n° 2 : Construire une relation de confiance durable. Céline a tout repris à zéro en commençant par le travail à pied : désensibilisation, liberté, longe, extérieur… Elle a attendu qu'il grandisse un peu avant de le monter, d'abord sans mors. Depuis maintenant un peu plus de 6 ans, Céline et son pur-sang ont appris à se connaître et ont vécu d'incroyables aventures. Aussi attachant que courageux, Magno s’est reconverti dans l’accompagnement de l’humain et le spectacle équestre. Activités dans lesquelles il peut exprimer toute sa sensibilité et sa curiosité. Céline a intégré son cheval dans son équipe au sein de son entreprise LeRebond. La reconversion est devenue leur cœur d’activité : bilan de compétence, formation ou séminaires, Magno a pour mission de reconnecter l’humain à ses intuitions, son audace, sa personnalité… Lors d’ateliers équicoaching. Le pursang étant une race extrêmement polyvalente, le duo se redécouvre depuis quelques années en développant une nouvelle facette, plus artistique. Harmonie, confiance, audace, liberté… autant de valeurs qu’ils se plaisent à illustrer lors de spectacles équestres poétiques, accompagnés de leurs amis à plumes. Leurs activités variées ne les empêchent pas de revenir aux sources : les pistes de Chantilly ! C’est alors au tour de Magno d’accompagner Céline dans un nouvel univers : celui des courses. Curieuse de découvrir d’où venait son cheval, elle pousse les portes d’écuries de courses. Bien loin de certains clichés tenaces, elle rencontre des passionnés aux petits soins de leurs protégés. En selle au petit matin, direction la forêt pour l'entraînement, Céline découvre les incroyables sensations du Canter. Les chevaux qu’elle a eu la chance de monter n’ont qu’une envie : tout donner. C’est bien là le point commun de tous les pur-sang : un cœur énorme. L’après midi elle retrouve ce même plaisir avec Magno qui n’a rien perdu de sa fougue et de son envie viscérale de galoper. Magno est un cheval très expressif autant à pied que monté... qui nécessite une bonne assiette lors de ses petits coups de folie ! Pour autant, il est d'un calme extraordinaire au milieu d'une foule bruyante. La communication est devenue leur force, il surprend chaque jour sa cavalière et rend possible ses plus grands rêves équestres. Galops sur la plage sans mors, liberté complète dans les champs, conférence à Lille grand palais … Céline emmène Magno partout avec elle ! Aujourd'hui Magno nous montre que les seules limites du pur-sang sont celles qu'on leur met. “Je ne peux qu'encourager ceux qui cherchent un partenaire de vie à se tourner vers cette race incroyable.”

Crédit photo : Engy Dos Santos.




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Sarah rencontre une petite jument en mai 2023 lors d’une visite aux écuries de Charles Gourdain, entraîneur basé à Pau. La pouliche venait tout juste de commencer l’entraînement, et parmi tous les chevaux présents à ce moment-là, sans explication, Sarah a eu un véritable coup de cœur pour cette deux ans.

Petit gabarit, une tête de bébé, elle a craqué. La cavalière glisse à sa propriétaire, Mme. Gourdain, l’épouse de l’entraîneur, que si un jour la jument doit être réformée, qu’elle pense à elle. La chouette histoire commence déjà à cette époque car la pouliche n’est pas encore nommée. Sarah propose Naïade d’Aliénor (PRINCE D’ALIENOR et ARMIDA), nom validé par M. et Mme. Gourdain. Quelle fierté pour Sarah d’avoir nommé un cheval de course qui un jour potentiellement pourrait s’illustrer sur les hippodromes.Sarah avait des nouvelles régulièrement via Jeanne, la fille de l’entraineur qui lui annonce en septembre 2023 que Naïade est à vendre. Sarah a déjà plusieurs chevaux à la maison qui nécessitent du temps et du travail entre les soins et les compétitions. Mais la magie du coup de coeur avait opéré : Sarah ne pouvait pas oublier Naïade ! La belle histoire continue car son compagnon essayant de l’en dissuader, lui préparait en réalité une belle surprise … : il contacte les propriétaires et lui offre Naïade, le plus incroyable des cadeaux d’anniversaire ! Depuis l’arrivée de la jument en septembre 2023, Sarah prend son temps avec Naiade car elle est encore jeune et a un vrai physique de bébé, elle la laisse donc grandir tranquillement. C’est une jument d’une extrême gentillesse, très extravertie dans tout ce qu’elle montre et ressent. En balade, à pied ou monté, elle est très réfléchie et prend le temps d’observer tout ce qui l’entoure. Le coup de coeur du début se confirme de jour en jour. Elle promet d’être une sacrée petite jument, bien dans sa tête et dans ses pieds. C’est un vrai amour, que ce soit avec Sarah ou avec sa fille de quatre ans. Pour l’avenir, elle compte lui montrer un peu de tout : le spectacle, l’obstacle, le complet .. Elle espère en faire un cheval polyvalent, mais Sarah n’a aucun doute quant à son évolution !

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A rider all her life, Christine was searching for her next special horse, in order to step back into more sporting equestrianism. She made contact with the Ecurie du Winkelbach, an Au-Delà des Pistes referenced stable managed by Nathalie Dietrich in Alsace. She had a 3yo bay, sound and healthy, named Golden Twist, who might suit her. Christine went to try out Golden during a weekend and the rest is history…

Their story begins at the end of August 2021. Already owner of a super retired racehorse for several years, and with the intention of returning to more demanding riding, Christine was searching for her next special horse. As she was in no rush, she contacted Au-Delà des Pistes in spring 2021, and she was guided to the Ecurie du Winkelbach, managed by Nathalie Dietrich in Alsace. At that time Nathalie did not have a suitable horse, but she made contact with Christine soon afterwards, to tell her that she had recently received a bay three-year-old, still entire, sound and healthy, named Golden Twist, and he could be the horse she was looking for! After various exchanges of phone calls and photos, Christine went to see Golden during a weekend for a trial. She received a warm welcome from Nathalie and her team, and despite a hack in the pouring rain, the magic worked. After a night to sleep on the decision, and a second ride (drier this time), her mind was made up. It was love at first sight and after a trouble-free veterinary check-up, Golden Twist arrived at his new home in Switzerland in early October 2021. Their new adventure could really begin. Considering his young age and his need to mature and develop, they started slowly. Golden was checked over by the dentist and osteopath, had his blood tested, and received feed supplements to help with his growth. Golden’s days were varied, with time in the paddock, hacking or walking in-hand, lunging and some flat work, and he was given all the time he needed to complete his physical development. From the outset, Golden proved to be attentive when schooling, curious about his new surroundings and keen to please. He particularly enjoys trotting and cantering on hacks, either alone or with company, which help to develop the muscles in his back, all the while showing great maturity and a calm attitude for his young age. Golden’s conformation has has undergone a transformation since his arrival; he has become a real sports horse, well-behaved but with a real personality and charm which give him great appeal and great pleasure to his rider every day. In 2022, at just four years old, they participated in their first retrained racehorses’ day at Lyon with Au-Delà des Pistes. This was an opportunity to meet other retired racehorses and they hope to participate again in the future. Since his arrival in his new home two years ago, Golden has made great progress in dressage, and the pair regularly work over poles and small showjumping sequences. In the autumn they enjoyed a first try at cross-country, during which Golden, after a few initial nerves, jumped drops, banks, ditches and rivers (Golden’s favourite moment was galloping though the water!). Their ultimate aim is to take part in dressage competitions, and if all goes well, in eventing, but they are in no hurry and will take each step at a time when Golden is ready. This summer, Christine had the opportunity to meet the breeders of Golden Twist in Normandy, Mr & Mrs Wingtans of the Haras des Forêts, and she is very grateful to them as without them, there would be no Golden. “Thank you also to Au-Delà des Pistes which works all through the year to secure a second chance for these wonderful thoroughbreds, and to the Ecurie du Winkelbach for introducing me to Golden. Thank you to all thoroughbreds which are so appealing, with a wonderful character and great versatility.” Golden Twist, born 18.04.2018, by Myboycharlie and out of Twisting (Pivotal), raced three times during the spring 2021, and was placed once. 

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Charlotte met Playboy who had spent seven years as a jumps racehorse. It was love at first sight and she decided to buy him. From the outset, Playboy managed the basics in dressage and he was already familiar with jumping from his former career. Theirs is a lovely story…

Already owner of a 22-year-old purebred Arabian, GLADIATEUR, Charlotte was looking for a new companion for competition riding. She worked in racing and so was naturally attracted to the thoroughbred breed. In 2017 she began the search for a horse to event. At the time she worked with Amanda Zetterholm who suggested she try one of her horses which she was intending to retire from racing. She tested several horses at the stable of Philippe Cottin near Angers, and settled upon Playboy, who had been at rest in the field for a year after injuring a fetlock in his final race at Fontainebleau. Charlotte fell in love when she tried Playboy, who appeared to possess the ability to perform in eventing. He already mastered the basics of dressage and he was familiar with jumping, having raced in hurdle, steeplechase and cross-country contests for seven years. The principal work was on his attitude, and his return to fitness after such a long break. The couple began dressage competitions in 2018 and participated in the Dressage Club French Championship at Lamotte-Beuvron in 2019. They didn’t win any big prizes but the horse behaved well and they thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The Covid period was a period of pampering and rest for Playboy, and the birth of a new baby for Charlotte, and then they turned to eventing in 2021. The first event was a disaster… the cross-country warm-up brought back happy memories of racing! But after winning an eventing derby (dressage plus cross-country) contest in early 2022, they were set for the season. There were ups and downs but the year ended well with the Bouleries Jump at the magnificent site of Le Mans. Playboy is now 15 and he is still in great form. The pair are gearing up for a new season in amateur eventing in 2024. 

Playboy – Listed winner and 5th in a Group 3 – 163,000€ in prize money. 

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L’histoire de Mimi et Sheron commence le 6 Juillet 2023 par un coup de cœur à travers l'annonce du pur-sang de 3 ans à vendre apparue dans son fil d'actualité sur les réseaux sociaux. Elle décide de contacter la vendeuse pour aller le voir à Lille. La jeune femme habite en Belgique à une heure de route de l’écurie mais cela ne la freine pas car elle veut vraiment le voir !

Sheron connait bien la race du pur-sang car elle a monté pendant plusieurs années un réformé en horse ball qui a beaucoup brillé dans sa nouvelle discipline. Elle savait donc que son premier cheval serait un pur-sang.A son arrivée, elle découvre un grand bébé dans son pré. Il y a du travail mais le coup de cœur des réseaux se confirme.Elle décide de l’acheter. La vente s’accélère car la vendeuse est pressée. Sheron trouve rapidement un transport et part le chercher avec son compagnon. Le 9 Juillet Mister débarque en Belgique et l’aventure commence. Sheron le chouchoute, le soigne, et organise un protocole de compléments alimentaires en plus de son foin et de ses rations de grains quotidiennes. Pour le moral, il passe une bonne partie de ses journées en prairie avec des copains. Mimi le lui rend bien avec une gentillesse hors norme pour son jeune âge. Leur lien se renforce. Petit à petit, revoilà Mister Carnaval au top de sa forme. Le vétérinaire leur donne donc l'autorisation de commencer à faire des petites séances de travail. La vendeuse lui avait dit qu'il avait une bonne base de dressage mais à sa grande surprise, la cavalière découvre qu'il ne connait pas trop l’équitation classique.Elle souhaite en savoir plus sur sa vie d’avant et sur sa carrière de courses. Sheron mène l’enquête et retrouve sur Instagram Monsieur Christopher Head, le tout premier entraineur de courses. Elle décide de le contacter. Très rapidement, M. Head lui répond et l'éclaire beaucoup sur la vie de Mister. Il lui envoie des photos de lui à l’entrainement, il est magnifique ! Il semble cependant que les courses n'étaient pas faites pour lui. Sheron lui dit qu'il est entre de bonnes mains maintenant. Sheron et Mimi continue les petites séances, il a un coeur énorme, il donne beaucoup en accordant sa confiance. Tout le monde l'adore aux écuries, surtout les enfants. La filleule de Sheron de 5 ans le monte, il ne bouge pas une oreille. Il s'entend avec tous les chevaux de l'écurie.Chaque jour, il progresse et montre ce dont il est capable. Pour l'instant, le jeune couple continue les séances en carrière et les balades. Cela fait du bien à tout le monde. Par la suite, Sheron aimerait l'initier à l'obstacle et pourquoi pas le CCE : Nous nous sommes rencontrés il y a 3 mois, le chemin sera long mais il sera beau. Je remercie M. Head pour sa disponibilité́, ses réponses et son aide. Je remercie surtout mon cheval Mimi de me sauver chaque jour de ma tristesse. J'ai perdu ma maman il y 1 an et si je n'avais pas croisé la route de Mister je n'aurais jamais pu tenir. C'est mon réconfort quotidien. Je l'aime si fort, il a réalisé mon rêve d'enfant à l'âge de 24 ans. Je remercie l’Association Au-Delà Des Pistes de m'avoir contacté pour connaitre son histoire et le mettre en avant car il le mérite. Sa nouvelle vie commence. Mister Carnaval (Times Test x bexandella) né le 30/04/2020 - 2 courses – 1 place.

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En mars 2022, c’est à l’âge de 4 ans qu’INSCRIT, joli petit PS par MARTALINE et SANOUVA (MUHTATHIR), a malheureusement été accidenté. Il fut victime d’une grosse fracture du condyle en interne (boulet antérieur). Alors qu’il avait un bel avenir de jeune cheval, sa guérison était malheureusement incertaine.

En mars 2022, c’est à l’âge de 4 ans qu’INSCRIT, joli petit PS par MARTALINE et SANOUVA (MUHTATHIR), a malheureusement été accidenté. Il fut victime d’une grosse fracture du condyle en interne (boulet antérieur). Alors qu’il avait un bel avenir de jeune cheval, sa guérison était malheureusement incertaine.Son entraîneur, Gabriel Leenders, soucieux de son avenir, a contacté ADDP afin de lui assurer une prise en charge adéquate pour maximiser ses chances.Confié aux bons soins de l’Écurie TDS, dirigée par Michael TOULZAC, il a été dorloté et couvé pendant toute sa longue convalescence. Véritable miraculé, il a su rester calme pour augmenter sa récupération, comme s’il était conscient des risques liés à sa fracture.Il s’est progressivement remis, jusqu’à être totalement apte à une reprise d’exercice au bout de neuf mois d’efforts.Au travail, par le biais de l’équitation éthologique, il a montré la suite de son caractère exceptionnel : Inscrit est un cheval attachant, guerrier, particulièrement intelligent et doux. Il a ainsi dévoilé tout son potentiel, avec des allures bluffantes et un excellent coup de saut ! Il est monté en licol simple, sans aucun artifice.Après plusieurs mois de remise en condition, il a rejoint Elisa dans le Loiret. Déjà propriétaire d’une belle ponette retraitée, Elisa a accueilli Inscrit et profite pleinement à ses côtés. Elle le décrit comme proche de l’homme, en recherche de câlins, et donc très affectueux.Inscrit a pu, grâce à l’espoir de son entraîneur, à l’action d’ADDP, les soins et le travail d’Écurie TDS, retrouvé un avenir radieux.

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Né et élevé par l'Écurie des Monceaux en Normandie, PHENIX n’a jamais pu voir un hippodrome suite à une fracture qu'il a eu étant yearling. Réformé de courses en 2022 à l'âge 3 ans, il vit sa nouvelle vie depuis un an au côté d'Amandine, professionnelle des courses, connaissant bien les pur-sang.

Né et élevé par l'Écurie des Monceaux en Normandie, PHENIX n’a jamais pu voir un hippodrome suite à une fracture qu'il a eu étant yearling. Réformé de courses en 2022 à l'âge 3 ans, il vit sa nouvelle vie depuis un an au côté d'Amandine, professionnelle des courses, connaissant bien les pur-sang.Sa reconversion a commencé par vivre quelques mois dans un pré avec plusieurs chevaux, le temps de se familiariser et de finir sa croissance.Il a ensuite découvert l’équitation classique par quelques balades en extérieur et beaucoup de travail à pied.Le couple commence à se connaître de plus en plus et à évoluer de jour en jour même si cela reste compliqué avec les soucis de santé que eu PHENIX dans son passé. Après une première année de reconversion, la progression évolue doucement mais le but est qu'il vive la meilleure vie possible en tant que cheval de loisir et de compagnie, qu'il reste en bonne santé au côté de sa cavalière et que cela perdure dans le temps.Hongre PS Bai Née le 27/02/2019Par GALILEO et SECRETE (CAPE CROSS)

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Cavalière depuis toujours, Sarah a beaucoup appris à monter grâce à plusieurs chevaux de selle qu’elle avait en demi pension. Lorsqu’elle a souhaité devenir propriétaire, elle ne voulait qu’un pur-sang pour partager sa vie, car elle était tombée amoureuse de la race grâce notamment au Championnat des Grandes Ecoles. C’est en mars 2022 que son papa a trouvé REVE DE DANSE.

Cavalière depuis toujours, Sarah a beaucoup appris à monter grâce à plusieurs chevaux de selle qu’elle avait en demi pension. Lorsqu’elle a souhaité devenir propriétaire, elle ne voulait qu’un pur-sang pour partager sa vie, car elle était tombée amoureuse de la race grâce notamment au Championnat des Grandes Ecoles. C’est en mars 2022 que son papa a trouvé REVE DE DANSE sur les réseaux sociaux des Écuries du Taillais, (structure de reconversion référencée Au Delà des Pistes, située à Granville) qui ont effectué tout le travail de reconversion après une carrière de course très courte. Lors de l’essai, une fois à cheval, le doute s’efface et la magie du coup de coeur opère. Des débuts difficiles dans le travail à cheval ont convaincu Sarah à commencer par le travail à pied uniquement, ce qui a permis de renforcé leur complicité et leur compréhension mutuelle. REVE n’ayant que 4 ans, sa cavalière prend son temps dans l’apprentissage avec des balades, des séances de longe, quelques obstacles franchis tout en continuant le travail à pied. Ces étapes permettent d’approfondir la solidité de leur relation et la musculature de REVE. Leurs objectifs : profitez tous les deux, des balades, des concours de saut de temps en temps.HONGRE PS BAINé le 18/03/2019 Par HIGHLAND REEL et DREAM CRAFT (MASTERCRAFTSMAN)

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Née au haras d’Etreham en Normandie, ALTALAA a été réformée après 4 courses et 1 place, et a entamé sa reconversion aux Écuries de Roquelance à Mont de Marsan, structure référencée ADDP. Depuis 3 ans, elle évolue avec Alexia.

La jeune jument est arrivée chez Alexia, sa nouvelle cavalière, le 3 octobre 2020 à l’âge de 2 ans et demi. ALTALAA est passée d’un grand paddock à des hectares de prairie avec 17 autres chevaux. Cela a été un peu compliqué pour elle au début mais elle s’est vite adaptée. Alexia ne l’a pas monté dès le début, le temps pour elle de finir de grandir. Cependant la cavalière et sa nouvelle partenaire ont alors découvert ensemble le travail à pied. Puis au fil du temps, les balades en extérieur ont commencé, le travail en cordelette puis le spectacle médiéval où elle s’est avérée être plutôt posée. Très sérieuse, c’est une jument qui garde tout pour elle intérieurement. Aujourd’hui ALTALAA a 5 ans et elle est toujours avec le même troupeau. Le couple prend son temps pour évoluer à sa vitesse pour faire de belles choses ensemble. Alexia privilégie les balades, que ce soit à la plage, ou en forêt et pense à faire quelques randonnées, ainsi que quelques petits concours de temps en temps. Alexia : On ne fait pas de choses exceptionnelles mais pour moi le plus important c’est qu’elle vive sa meilleure vie, entourée d’autres chevaux de toutes races et tout âge ainsi qu’elle soit en bonne santé, c’est tout ce qui m’importe.FEMELLE PS BAINé le 07/04/2018 Par SHALAA et ALTA STIMA (RAVEN'S PASS)

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Ancien représentant de la casaque AL ASAYL sous l’entrainement de Francis- Henri Graffard, EAGLE HUNTER a été réformé en 2020 et a suivi sa reconversion dans une structure Au-Delà des Pistes puis a été confié en octobre 2020 à Clémentine Mc Cutchen, consultante « AL ASAYL France SC », cavalière de dressage et fan des réformés. photo : Mélissa Mula

Ancien représentant de la casaque AL ASAYL sous l’entrainement de Francis- Henri Graffard, EAGLE HUNTER a été réformé en 2020 et a suivi sa reconversion dans une structure Au-Delà des Pistes puis a été confié en octobre 2020 à Clémentine Mc Cutchen, consultante « AL ASAYL France SC », cavalière de dressage et fan des réformés. Avec beaucoup d’amour, temps, patience, et soins, EAGLE et sa cavalière Clémentine ont débuté leur aventure en dressage dans les épreuves jeunes chevaux avec des jolies moyennes au-dessus de 70%. Très rapidement son entourage a su deviner les aptitudes sportives que pouvaient réserver ce magnifique hongre par Dansili malgré des radios parfaitement imparfaites. « EAGY » commence à améliorer sa locomotion au trot, cependant son galop et son pas sont irréprochables… il est doué pour le galop rassemblé, ce qui laisse rêveur d’un bel avenir sportif en dressage. Il est aujourd’hui ambassadeur AU DELA DES PISTES. Le couple planifie de sortir en épreuves Amateur 2 cette année et d’évoluer progressivement. Eagle est doté d’un mental de guerrier en or avec un rare sérieux au travail. Il a même su se montrer très appliqué au « Jumping de Bordeaux » malgré son manque de métier en indoor, ainsi que la foule, les lumières, etc… Hongre PS Bai de 7 ans - 23/04/2016. Par DANSILI et ZEVA (ZAMINDAR). Élevé par AL ASAYL BLOODSTOCK LTDA couru en courses de plat:4 courses dont 1 victoire et 3 places. 32 700 € de gains gagnés durant sa carrière.

Crédit photo : Mélissa Mula

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Véritable champion sur les longues distances, VAZIRABAD est titulaire de 13 victoires de Groupe dont 3 au niveau Groupe 1 sur le sol français. Sa notoriété s’est étendue en dehors de France grâce notamment à un triplé historique dans la Dubai Gold Cup (2016, 2017, 2018). Aujourd’hui, Vazirabad travaille principalement la discipline du dressage bien que sa cavalière Gaelle diversifie les activités pour son bien être mental.

Véritable champion sur les longues distances, VAZIRABAD est titulaire de 13 victoires de Groupe dont 3 au niveau Groupe 1 sur le sol français. Sa notoriété s’est étendue en dehors de France grâce notamment à un triplé historique dans la Dubai Gold Cup (2016, 2017, 2018). Après une carrière au plus haut niveau en France et à l’international et quelques mois de repos aux Aga Khan Studs en France chez son propriétaire/éleveur le prince Karim Aga Khan, le champion stayer Vazirabad a été confié au printemps 2021 à Gaëlle Jonchery, cavalière de concours complet et responsable d’une structure référencée par ADDP, afin d’évaluer ses aptitudes au dressage. Aujourd’hui, Vazirabad travaille principalement cette discipline bien que sa cavalière diversifie les activités pour son bien être mental. Il prépare actuellement un circuit de compétition de dressage et compte tenu de ses réelles capacités dans ce nouveau domaine, il pourrait prétendre à participer au Championnat de France des enseignants cette année. Gentil et facile au quotidien, il aime sa routine avec des moments de détente au paddock tous les matins. Sa plus grande qualité : ses allures très agréables à regarder qui ne laissent personne indifférent. Grand timide au tempérament prudent, Vazirabad est un cheval attachant, plein de vie et qui a besoin de beaucoup de confiance pour exploiter toutes ses qualités d’athlète de haut niveau.Hongre PS Gris de 10 ansPar MANDURO x VISORAMA (LINAMIX)Elevé par les Aga Khan StudsChampion Stayer (longue distance)A couru en courses de plat : 23 courses, 15 victoires et 6 places / 3 G1, 7 G2 et 3 G3

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Élevé par l’Écurie des Monceaux, Saad est arrivé dans la vie d’Alana et Alexis 3 jours après sa dernière course un peu par hasard. Après 34 courses, le pur sang évolue aujourd'hui en cso, cce, spectacle ... et sera l'un des nouveaux ambassadeurs d'ADDP

Élevé par l’Écurie des Monceaux, Saad est arrivé dans la vie d’Alana et Alexis 3 jours après sa dernière course un peu par hasard. Son ancien propriétaire et entraineur Philippe Peltier lui cherchait une maison pour sa nouvelle vie. Ses deux futurs cavaliers ne le connaissaient pas et ne savaient même pas à quoi il ressemblait avant qu'il descende du camion ! Issu du milieu des courses le travail de reconversion attirait le jeune couple. Ancien cheval de plat et une carrière bien remplie avec 34 courses, 3 victoires et 9 places, ses débuts à l'obstacle étaient catastrophiques : "il ne sautera jamais" disait leur entourage. Alana et Alexis ont pris leur temps et ont persévéré. Saad a progressé à une vitesse incroyable. Désormais, il évolue sur des épreuves à 110cm et sort même en CCE amateur 3 ! Durant le confinement les objectifs de concours ont été laissés de côté et le trio a eu envie de nouveautés et surtout d'une approche plus "naturelle" dans leur relation. C'est là que le travail à pied et le travail sans mors ont été abordés. Très vite Saad s'est pris au jeu en apprenant de nombreux tours et leur travail a porté ses fruits jusqu’à le monter avec une simple cordelette. CSO, spectacles, CCE, randonnées, dressage et même le horse ball, tout est faisable avec Saad ! Rencontré lors d’une compétition à Deauville, Saad participe chaque année à plusieurs journées de la reconversion avec Au-Delà des Pistes. En 2023, il va devenir l’un des ambassadeurs de l’Association. Hongre Bai de 10 ans, par ACCLAMATION X PERFECT DAY (HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR) 34 courses, 2 victoires et 9 places

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Quand un crack d’Auteuil est le bon élève de la reconversion ...

Milord Thomas, un crack que l'on ne présente plus et dont le palmarès est exemplaire. Ses éleveurs l'ont confié à Maëlys, une amie de la famille pour entamer sa reconversion. Work in progress : suivez le sur sa page Facebook ... Nous avons hâte de le retrouver lors d’une journée de la reconversion sur un hippodrome pour qu’il nous devoile ses prouesses !Bravo Milord Thomas et sa cavalière Maëlys Duval !

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WHOLE WORLD is a six-year-old thoroughbred that was retired in July 2018 after a tear of the tendon sheath in his right front leg. During his racing career he was trained by Adrien Lacombe in Senonnes, where he raced five times and won twice, as well as finishing fourth twice. In August, a month later, he joined the Etrier de Granlieu in Saint Colomban (44) in view to being retrained as a riding horse.

A beautiful story that Elodie Yume, the happy owner of a retrained racehorse, wanted to share with you ...She explains, “WHOLE WORLD is a six-year-old thoroughbred that was retired in July 2018 after a tear of the tendon sheath in his right front leg. During his racing career he was trained by Adrien Lacombe in Senonnes, where he raced five times and won twice, as well as finishing fourth twice. In August, a month later, he joined the Etrier de Granlieu in Saint Colomban (44) in view to being retrained as a riding horse.“On Whole World’s arrival, he had three months of complete rest before starting his retraining the following October. He immediately showed himself to be very relaxed, revealing a real aptitude for dressage thanks to his suppleness and his desire to always do well. “In less than a year, he had learnt the basics of classical riding and had started to work well over jumps, even if he was a little nervous. Whole World is a horse that listens to his rider whether he is on foot or being ridden. “Always calm and patient, he easily forgives our mistakes and takes the time to think when he is afraid or does not understand. Of course, he is still young and can sometimes be naughty, but he always remains manageable. Although still nervous, he is growing within himself from day to day and loves people. He’s great on rides, and doesn't look at anything. “After getting to know him, I had the joy of becoming Whole World’s owner in September 2019. Today, he is still at livery at the Etrier de Granlieu, where we are learning and preparing the different dressage moves in order to be able to compete in the ADDP events dedicated to thoroughbreds, as well as continuing to enjoy leisure time with him. Whole World is an exceptional horse for his age, with an incredible gentleness and kindness. He had great fortune to cross the path of a trainer and a retraining centre who knew how to take care of him and allow him to show himself in another discipline than racing. »Thank you to the WHOLE WORLD team.

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Now a 15-year-old, TORNABAIE (Crillon x Tornafa), is a pretty bay thoroughbred mare, that has begun her life of pre-retirement... A riding horse for the last couple of years, she does light dressage, a bit of show-jumping and goes for leisurely rides.

Now a 15-year-old, TORNABAIE (Crillon x Tornafa), is a pretty bay thoroughbred mare, that has begun her life of pre-retirement... A riding horse for the last couple of years, she does light dressage, a bit of show-jumping and goes for leisurely rides. Back to the successful career of a retrained racehorse! After a year in training with Yannick Fertillet and running in a flat race at Machecoul in 2008, the mare injured her pelvis. Her career as a jumper was in doubt... and the decision was taken that she needed to be treated and retrained. Justine Alicia Raynaut was the ideal person to take on TORNABAIE. Originally from Cannes and a horse-ball player, she discovered racehorses during the race meet at Cagnes-sur-Mer. It was at an exhibition match that she met Yannick Fertillet, a great fan of horse-ball. Classically trained, Justine quickly became a proficient trackwork rider where she rode out and led-up at the races for several trainers. She therefore had the right background to take care of a retrained racehorse. TORNABAIE was given to her in exchange for looking after her, and the adventure begun with this very energetic and complicated mare. A lot of patience, calm and perseverance was needed for Justine and her partner to train the mare to be able to participate in the Côte d'Azur horse-ball team (Azur Horse-ball). Thanks to the work and help of her trainers Laurent Brandela and Raymond Rault-Verpré, TORNABAIE competed for several years in horse-ball competitions from Amateur 3 to Amateur Elite with several rankings and titles at the French Championships, with Justine in the saddle and that of her good friend Julien Baggi. A true revelation. After more than 10 years together, her owner now loudly proclaims the pride she feels for her brave pretty mare with a strong character following her successful career and the prizes she has won. Apart from the love that unites these two, their beautiful story has also influenced and shown the success of retraining racehorses to many others in their sport. Other retrained racehorses such as BARBATRUC (trained by Patricia Butel), KOKOUCHU (Matthieu Boutin) and THE DIAMOND (Dominique Bressou) are also competing in the sport... we wish for many more

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For December, we want to tell you the story of MOISEY! This nine-year-old thoroughbred was retrained at one of the establishments in our Au-delà des Pistes network called the Cœur de Courses Association based at the Cagnes sur Mer racecourse. Today, MOISEY and his owner Justine Durand are famous in Show Jumping competitions up to 1m10!

Bred in France, MOISEY had a racing career on Italian racecourses. He ran nearly 27 races and won more than €30,000 in prize money. At 5 years old, he was retrained and integrated into the Cœur de Course stables.

He spent almost a year there, with recovery time needed before his retraining work started. When an ad to adopt MOISEY was published, Justine fell under the spell of this tall thoroughbred measuring 1m75 by the simple means of photos. She decides to go to Cagnes-sur-Mer for a test drive, and it is love at first sight. She returned home the next day with her new partner!

The couple form very quickly. "He is a horse with a lot of qualities, he learns quickly, and is very respectful," Justine tells us. Beyond that, he is a horse that is very close to man and is always in search of affection! His large size means that it is often confused with a French Saddle horse.

When they start their first show jumping courses at heights of 85cm, MOISEY behaves in an exemplary way. He looks at nothing and jumps perfectly. Very quickly the height rises, and in only three years, they progress until they reach 1m10!

In October 2017, they participated in the CSI* GPA JUMP FESTIVAL in Cagnes-sur-Mer under the Cœur de Courses Association. It was a great way for MOISEY to return to the racetrack in his new guise as a sport horse! The gelding has not only made his owner proud but also Ludyvine Crepeau, the manager of the association Cœur de Courses, who has done everything possible to give him the second chance he deserves!

Today, Justine and MOISEY have joined a team that competes in Dressage and Eventing. This is the couple’s next challenge! Their objective is to start jumping at 1m15!

Beautiful projects for this couple who seems to have found the perfect fit.

Congratulations to all for this great retraining and we wish them all the best in the future!

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For our November Retrained Racehorse of the Month, it’s the turn of AU COMBAT to be in the spotlight. This nine-year-old thoroughbred was competitive on the racetrack throughout his career. Today, it’s in the Show Jumping arena that he shines with his owner Noemie Dedieu.

Bred by Gaetan Gilles in the Pays de la Loire, AU COMBAT ran 13 times, winning a total of over €90,000 over hurdles and fences. In 2015, he notably finished second in a Listed race at Auteuil for Donatien Sourdeau de Beauregard under David Cottin. He finished fifth at the same level in September 2016 at the Paris racetrack before being retired.

Retrained firstly by Eugenie & Robert Danloux of Ecurie DH, AU COMBAT joined the stables where Noemie rode. A complete check-up is undertaken before he began his new career as an event horse. Regularly monitored by a vet and osteopath, nothing was left to chance. It was this care that helped him quickly progress and help his retraining.

Ridden by another rider to start with, Noemie started riding AU COMBAT when her other ex-racehorse became a broodmare. Already taken with the advantages of ex-racehorses for eventing and show jumping, Noemie was extremely optimistic about AU COMBAT’s future career.A horse with a big heart and very easy to handle, and he is even good with novice riders that don’t have to be scared thanks to his kindness.

The the moment, the duo competes in show jumping competitions at one metre, where they regularly post clear rounds. The ultimate objective, in time, would be to take part in the elite amateurs in eventing.

That’s also what we wish for them!Congratulations to them both for this exciting retraining!

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En ce mois d’octobre, c’est MAILLE SUN qui est à l’honneur. Pur-Sang anglais de 17 ans qui sort maintenant depuis quelques années en dressage pur avec sa cavalière et propriétaire Hélène Thomas !

Ostéopathe équin, Hélène Thomas fait partie du groupe Equithalasso, spécialiste des soins bien être pour les chevaux à base d’algues marines, et partenaire de l’association Au-delà des Pistes !

Le couple formé depuis maintenant 15 ans a progressé ensemble, et pas à pas, pour aujourd’hui être prêt à dérouler la fameuse "Saint-George" ; célèbre reprise de dressage de niveau Amateur élite et/ou professionnel !

A l’entraînement chez Christian Scandela à Marseille, MAILLE SUN a courru une vingtaine de courses et s’est placé dix fois "dans l’argent". En décembre 2006, après une nouvelle course en demi-teinte, il est réformé par son éleveur et propriétaire, Remo Sorentinno.

A la recherche d’un cheval, c’est au centre d’entraînement de Callas, lieu d’entraînement de MAILLE SUN, aux environs de Marseille, qu’Hélène se rend sous les conseils de Xavier Noël, son moniteur de l’époque. Elle y rencontre donc MAILLE SUN pour la première fois. Il est alors âgé de 3 ans et demi. Après un rapide essai sur une petite piste en sable, c’est le coup de cœur !

Au-delà de sa locomotion plutôt plaisante, c’est un contact difficilement explicable qui s’établi entre la cavalière et son futur compagnon de vie. "C’est grâce à son œil que j’ai eu le coup de cœur, je ne sais pas, c’est juste comme ça" se confie-t-elle.

Pendant la première année qu’ils passent ensemble, MAILLE SUSN et Hélène travaillent essentiellement en extérieur. Avec cette transition, le hongre affirme son caractère : un cheval coquin et joueur, et même parfois capricieux. Mais ces quelques fantaisies sont vite oubliées car à pied, il est adorable, sociable avec ses congénères, facile aux soins et très agréable au quotidien.

A 5 ans, le travail de reconversion débute réellement pour MAILLE SUN, et c’est sous les conseils de Yann Chatogno qu’il suit sa formation de cheval de dressage, et ce, depuis maintenant une quinzaine d’années.

Le couple commence les concours de dressage en 2008, les débuts ne sont pas toujours évidents mais Hélène sait que cela n’est qu’une question de temps. Peu à peu, la progression se fait sentir. "Il a cette particularité des pur-sang où il trouve un certain plaisir au travail ; on sent une résistance à l’effort qui est propre aux réformés" affirme la cavalière.

Aujourd’hui, MAILLE SUN et sa cavalière concourent en niveau amateur élite / Pro 3 et ils n’ont de toute évidence pas à rougir face aux chevaux élevés pour du dressages qu’ils affrontent ! Les mouvements techniques comme les pirouettes ou les changements de pieds sont maintenant maitrisés à la perfection par le pur-sang. D’ici la fin de l’année ils dérouleront la Saint George et tenteront de s’établir confortablement à ce niveau-là afin d’y prendre du plaisir.

A 17 ans, MAILLE SUN est en pleine forme et concourra certainement encore quelques années tant qu’il ne montre pas de signes de fatigue. Sa propriétaire, lui reconnait des qualités physiques exceptionnelles qu’elle étend aux Pur-Sang en général : "Ils ont généralement de très bons tissus et une résistance incroyable."

Et en effet, après un bilan effectué par une vétérinaire orthopédique en début d’année, il semblerait que MAILLE SUN ait encore de belles années devant lui. La conclusion du bilan semble suggérer des résultats qui s’apparentent à celui d’un poulain plutôt qu’à celui d’un cheval de 17 ans !

De bonne augure pour la suite de la carrière de ce couple dont l’histoire est remarquable !

Nous leur souhaitons de continuer sur la belle lancée qu’ils ont suivi jusque-là !

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For this new school year, it is VELVET SPIRIT that is in the spotlight. This 14-year-old thoroughbred gelding is a very good student. Show Jumping or bridleless Dressage competitions are no problem for him thanks to the ethological work carried out by his rider and owner, Marion Delforge.

Born in 2005, VELVET SPIRIT's racing career was a short one, and from nine races, he was placed four times. In the eyes of his entourage, he did not possess much scope from improvement on the racecourse, so his owner Bruno Foucher and trainer Gerard Lecomte decided to retrain him at the end of 2008.

He passed through various stables where he started his retraining before joining the stables where Marion was working. Bought by a Horse-Ball rider, VELVET SPIRIT did not seem to enjoy the game and showed his disapproval for the discipline. However, Marion became attached to this gelding with a big heart.

Not suitable for that discipline, VELVET SPIRIT’s owner decided to sell him. First bought as a Riding Club horse, Marion then did everything possible to acquire him! And after a few weeks her dream finally came true, as she became the owner of this beautiful five-year-old.

The couple's beginnings were at times a little complicated. VELVET SPIRIT is very sensitive and does not yet have the basics of dressage. When they started in competitions, their problems took over and the results weren’t as they wished. Marion then chose to take a step back with him and returned to work on the basics.

It was at this moment that she discovered walking and ethology. Their relationship gradually became stronger, and VELVET SPRIRIT’s sensitivity became an asset, with a complicity between the two of them being established.

After a little over ten years of living together, they are now competing in bridleless competitions on Show Jumping fields or Dressage squares! Jumping a round at 1m10 in just a halter is only a formality and the results are there: Vice-Champions of France CLUB 1 in 2014 !

In parallel, the couple sometimes did demonstrations in front of friends with the tricks they have learnt: upright, leg up, lying down... A unique relationship based on the trust that the horse and his rider have in each other ! As Marion likes to say: "He has been and always will be my best teacher. It is his sensitivity that is the main factor of my perpetual searching for answers ! 

Today Marion wishes to concentrate mainly on dressage competitions, and also plans to try out the hunter discipline and the Equifeel (recent equestrian discipline aims to highlight the complicity and communication between the rider and his horse, editor's note) !

Beautiful projects for this couple who have already completed a very beautiful retraining.

Congratulations to them for this fine example of patience and perseverance!

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This August, we honour JEU DE L'OIE as part of our "Ex-Racehorse of the Month" series. This 12-year-old thoroughbred had a racing career and looked promising, however an injury kept him away from the racecourse. Today, he makes his Horse-Ball riders happy instead.

Well bred, JEU DE L'OIE was presented at the Arqana sales in August 2008 by Haras d'Etreham. Then a yearling, he was bought by the late Marquise de Moratala for €95,000.

Sent into training with Jean-Claude Rouget, he ran six times when ridden by well-known jockeys such as Christophe Soumillon and Ioritz Mendizabal. He was often "in the money" in his races, as they say in the sport.

In 2010, he won again at Tarbes Racecourse, however an injury to a hind leg unfortunately ended the career of the then three-year-old JEU DE L'OIE. He was put out to grass at the Marquise’s to recover.

Five years later, Gildas Mabilais, the manager of Haras de Boscherville, an accredited establishment with Au-delà des Pistes, crossed paths with JEU DE L'OIE.

Following his time off, that had led the injury to heal, "JEU" was ready to return to work. He then discovered a new discipline: Horse-Ball.

In search of a horse for the following next season, Marius Doye, a player on the French Under 21 Horse Ball team, went to Haras de Boscherville to try him. Marius bought him immediately !

After a first season of competition at Pro level, this year the couple are playing at Pro elite level and are participating in the International Tournament to prepare for the 2019 European Championships !

Having also gained the ride on his brother's more experienced horse, Marius now has the opportunity to alternate his horses. That is why, in parallel, JEU DE L'OIE played a season at Horse-Ball club level with a rider starting out in the discipline. An ideal way for the horse to continue to gain experience without suffering physically or mentally from it thanks to a low intensity of play.

All the riders who ride JEU DE L'OIE love him! He combines power and speed but is above all very kind. "He never shies away from work, he's always willing and he's a real pleasure every day! ", confides Marius.

The objectives for the upcoming season will be to continue to perform at the highest level and to perfect his training. Their aim is to one day join the French Pro elite team and why not, win the trophy for the best horse of the season?

So let's keep our fingers crossed for this young and handsome couple!

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In this summer month of July, the sport of eventing is in the spotlight with BEGUIN DE BERSAC, an 8-year-old Anglo-Arab.

After running seven times on the flat and winning €4,000 in prize money, BEGUIN DE BERSAC was retrained at the age of five before being offered for sale in 2015.

It is at the stables of Eddy Sans, an international event rider based in Pontarmé (60), that his current owner, Lou Dieber, first crossed paths with BEGUIN DE BERSAC. She decided to buy him at first sight, without even trying him!

During their first canters, there was no doubt that BEGUIN DE BERSAC was an ex-race horse. Lou Dieber had also ridden out at racing stables, and it served to confirm the close bond developing between them.

During their first year of competition in 2016, the couple followed the Training Circuit 1 in Show Jumping before starting in the eventing discpline, where they gradually progressed, step by step. Lou has specifically taken her time to train her new horse. After initially competing at Amateur 2 level before going on to Amateur 1, this year they started CCI* (International Competitions) a month ago at Bertichères, before competing this weekend on July 14th, in Jardy, in the Paris region.

Beguin's quality has been recognized by great riders such as Thomas Carlile who told Lou that she had a real horse for the future. The rider wants to take her time, especially in view to the jumping, before which BEGUIN DE BERSAC still gets very excited. T

he next objective? Be a regular on the "1 star" circuit in order to be able to take the next step, the "2 stars".

Their ultimate goal? Of course, to reach the CCI*** level, but "when we are both ready. Not before! ", says Lou.

Patience, listening and trust seem to be the key words to the relationship between this rider and her ex-racehorse. It has already been a beautiful journey for them both, and we wish them both the best in their objectives.

Let's hope the July 14th fireworks will resonate for the couple this weekend in Jardy!

Congratulations for this great retraining, and all the best to them!

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In this month of June, we tell the story of BLUE DAY. After an inconclusive racing career, this eight-year-old AQPS is now expressing himself in the Dressage arena. His owner Nathalie Georens has retrained him from A to Z, and it is a beautiful story as we like to hear !

When in training with Mr Lopez in Wissembourg, BLUE DAY ran five times on the flat without winning but was always "in the money", as it is said in the industry.

At the same time, looking for a horse to compete in Eventing, Nathalie was informed by a friend who worked in racing world that BLUE DAY would be looking for a new home in view to his retraining. Nathalie then contacted Mr Wintz, the owner breeder of BLUE DAY. It was love at first sight. In a few minutes the decision was made – she had to have him.

The initial objective was Eventing, however, their beginnings were a little difficult. Indeed, BLUE DAY did not seem to appreciate Show Jumping. Encouraged by her trainer, Maitre Écuyer Jean Jacques Boisson, she decided to continue exclusively with Dressage.

The first competitions in free-style were very emotionally challenging. "Blue is a very sensitive horse. He feels all my emotions. I'm kind of his landmark. If I'm here, everything's fine," confides Nathalie. "Today, he is so calm and serene that it is difficult to imagine his competition debuts," adds the rider.

In 2018, BLUE DAY and his rider competed at Amateur 2 level and were placed six times from eight outings, including three wins.

This year, the couple moved up to Amateur 1 and won in April. Their objective is to now qualify for the French Championships to be held at Le Mans next October.

Nathalie also confides that her ultimate ambition is to be able to perform the famous Prix Saint-Georges at elite Amateur level.

The entire Au-delà des Pistes team would like to congratulate this couple for their great results. We wish them every continued success in achieving their goals!

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For the month of May, it is MARRAJEL is in the spotlight. A five-year-old thoroughbred, he is now the apple of his owner’s eye and will soon start his retraining. Patience is the key word here.

Born in Ireland, MARRAJEL was offered at the 2015 ARQANA October Yearling Sale before being bought by Chantilly based trainer Georges Mikhalides. The beginnings of his career were difficult for MARRAJEL, as he was slow to show the potential and had a strong character.

After a few months spent out at grass, he joined a new trainer Laurent Bouldoires who wanted to try MARRAJEL over hurdles. Despite his difficult start, MARRAJEL calmed down after a while and began to show some of his talents. Unfortunately, his late maturing physique left him needing more time on veterinary advice, leading the owners to choose to retrain him. MARRAJEL was four-years-old.

It is on an advertising site that MARRAJEL crossed the path of his current owner, Katylee Lengos. After a brief trial, they hit it off very well, despite his rider being used to riding horses.

MARRAJEL immediately joined Katylee's private stables alongside her other horses. In 2018, a period of desensitisation was a priority with outdoor outings to discover the world and keep a cool head. Tractors, cows, vehicles, roads, horses etc..... are the daily life of MARRAJEL. He also goes on holiday with his owner where he behaves in an exemplary way on the Normandy beaches.

After a complete check-up, Katylee has decided to wait until MARRAJEL is a six-year-old to start his work and give him time to finish growing.

Katylee confides: "In the future, his discipline will undoubtedly eventing, and he has the physique to do well. I don't know if I could go with him on this path to a very high level. Otherwise he will participate with me in show jumping events, maybe even Hunter classes, because there too he has the physique, and probably also in amateur dressage."

It is a busy programme that awaits MARRAJEL and Katylee, to whom we wish an excellent continuance!

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For the month of April, we have chosen to honour the young CHARIVARI, that currently has a new career in Horse-Ball. The son of the famous stallion Shamardal started his new career path through the Retraining Stables Bordeaux, an establishment that is part of the Au-delà Des Pistes network through its management by Christophe Desormeaux.

CHARIVARI has begun his new career as a Horse-Ball horse with his owner Natasha Goldsmith in the Pro Féminine team of Bordeaux Brandeau. He never reached the racetrack, having first been trained in the Paris region before being placed with the trainer Yan Durepaire in La Teste de Buch, in southwestern France. Lacking the potential for any kind of career on the racecourse, it was agreed by his connections to retrain him.

It was at this stage that the three-year-old CHARIVARI joined Christophe Désormeaux, at the helm of Retraining Stables Bordeaux, before starting his retraining.

After his first year of work punctuated by a few sessions of classical riding and a winter in the field with other horses to give him time to finish growing, he then started his Horse-Ball training after turning four.

Described as a "calm, safe and incredibly kind horse" by Christophe Desormeaux, CHARIVARI was ridden by riders of all levels.

In October 2018, Natasha Goldsmith, one of the riders at the stables, tried him during a training session and he became her real favourite! A few weeks later, the couple became an official one, and CHARIVARI now belonged to Natasha.

Despite having only started competing in 2019, CHARIVARI already behaves like an experienced horse despite his young age. Still in training for his new career under the eye of Christophe Désormeaux at his stables, the gelding continues to improve day by day. Désormeaux explains, "He has the physique of a Horse-ball horse; short, compact and with real strength in his hind quarter. This has been the ideal retraining for him, and he has an amazing temperament."

In January 2020, CHARIVARI will be 6 years old and will be able to start competing on the amateur and professional circuits. Let's hope for the beginning of a long and successful career !

All the Au-dela Des Pistes team congratulates the different people around CHARIVARI for this beautiful retraining and wishes them the best of success!

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To end this month of March, we turn our attention to the sport of Endurance with the eight-year-old Anglo-Arab ONDEDECHOC and his owners, riders and breeders, Manon and Sebastien Valerio.

ONDEDECHOC was bred by Haras d’Ainhoa, the stud owned by Sebastien Valerio’s father. He never made it to the racetrack, with the seasoned endurance rider and chiropractor saying he was "not made for racing" after a stint with trainer Didier Guillemin, with whom the Valerio family have collaborated for a number of years.

It didn't matter! ONDEDECHOC moved well and had a beautiful physique, although he was perhaps a little big... Sebastien Valerio explains, "ONDEDECHOC has always been a very kind horse, generous, and with very good movement. When his trainer advised us not to continue on the racetrack in October 2015, I toyed with the idea of trying him at endurance. I knew he was very big, but he had a very nice way of moving and above all a very good temperament. He always wants to please! So we picked him up and left him for about five months at grass, as I usually do with my horses coming out of training, so that they can decompress both mentally and physically."

Once the green light was on, ONDEDECHOC quickly understood what was expected of him. Sebastien Valerio says, "He was initially a racehorse, so we had to take the time to go through the stages one by one so that he could understand what was being asked of him. For example, do not rush as soon as a long and beautiful gallop opens up. But due to his character, we were able to start our first race in May 2016, over 20 km. Subsequently, he showed a recovery capacity worthy of the greatest endurance horses, despite his size which could put him at a disadvantage against his competitors."

20 – 40 – 60 – 90. The distances for ONDEDECHOC quickly increased to such an extent that in 2018, under Sebastien Valerio, he finished 11th at the World Championships for 7-year-old horses in Samorin, Slovakia, which was run over a distance of 120 km.

In parallel, Sebastien's daughter, Manon, won a qualifying event at Fontainebleau to join the French junior team and was invited to participate in the 160 km long President's Cup in Abu Dhabi last February. Following in her family’s footsteps, Manon and ONDEDECHOC took part in the race over this distance. A first for the couple.

The choice turned out to be an excellent one, as ONDEDECHOC and Manon finished 2nd out of the 39 European couples invited. Sebastien says: "ONDEDECHOC was exemplary. Both in terms of recovery and physical performance as well as in terms of his temperament. Racehorses are still rare in high level endurance but I am convinced, through their metabolism and natural locomotion, especially in stayers, that they can become good horses with the right preparation. For their well-being, things must be done in the right order and with great patience and preparation. I don't know if ONDEDECHOC will be a "crack", but I know that he is already a very good horse in the discipline."

The next step? The qualifying race for the French team in Compiegne, from June 12 to 15, ridden either by Manon for the Junior team or Sebastien for the Senior team. The question is, who will have the last word?!

We wish ONDEDECHOC and the Valerio family all the best, and thank them for showing the potential of retrained racehorses in this most rigorous of disciplines !

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Our Retrained Racehorse of the Month is back! For the first edition of 2019, we move to the elegance of pure Dressage. A 15-year-old AQPS, QUINQUINA DES RODONS will compete this year on the Grand National Pro-Elite circuit, the highest level of this discipline in France.

A professional riding instructor, Victor Euwer met QUINQUINA DES RODONS in 2008. Aged four at the time, the chestnut gelding was for sale at a stable in Maisons-Laffitte. Victor explains, "I went with one of my pupils who was looking for a horse to buy. We were at the stables when I saw QUINQUINA DES RODONS. He wasn’t particularly good looking and was a bit thin, but he had an alert eye. I had €3,000 to spend, and I said to myself, "Why not!". I didn’t have my own horse to ride at the time, and I thought it would be fun to try QUINQUINA DES RODONS."

Back at home, QUINQUINA DES RODONS’s training began in earnest, and the couple quickly began to get on well together. "As we worked together, I began to like him more and more. QUINQUINA DES RODONS has always been very kind and generous in his work. He had a natural impulsion and that great sensitivity that we associate with Thoroughbreds. This sensitivity can be unhelpful at times as they can quickly panic when things don’t go according to plan, but this can also be a brilliant thing, notably in a discipline such as Dressage as this makes them extremely reactive to the leg, and helps them progressive quickly with the paces and shapes needed."

Progress, yes, and how much progress! Although the first competitions were not a real success: "I was very stressed, I put crazy pressure on myself, wanting to succeed at all costs for my horse, that I communicated all my bad vibes to him. It wasn't going well in the arena. They're real sponges. So I decided to stop competing with him for at least 3 years to have fun gently, and without pressure, to make him evolve in his pace and in his work. ", says his rider.

It was at the beginning of 2018 that Victor and QUINQUINA DES RODONS returned to the dressage arena, this time at Pro 1 level. "It was the dressage trainer Bernard Bosseau, with whom I was working with during a daily session, who encouraged me to resume competing with QUINQUINA DES RODONS, so much had he progressed. Of course, he will never have Totilas’s paces (one of the best dressage horses in the world) but his rigour and seriousness give him good marks. With him, I no longer have any pressure. Everything that happens to us is just a bonus. I never thought I would reach this level with him when I bought him in 2008. QUINQUINA DES RODONS is kind, serious, generous and has blind confidence in me. Today, we have a real complicity. I think, he does it!".

After a year on the Pro 1 circuit in the right way, we wish all the best to QUINQUINA DES RODONS and Victor Euwer. They will compete this year on the Pro-Élite du Grand National de Dressage circuit, and in addition, have also set themselves the objective of competing in Freestyle in 2019 !

Good luck to them and thank you for promoting retrained racehorses in this most demanding discipline!

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Continuing our series of “Retrained Racehorse of the Month”, we have pleasure in presenting the ex-racehorse SUNNY BRUERE’s story for the month of November. Since being retrained, SUNNY BRUERE has gone on to become a very talented competitor in the Eventing discipline at International level, and will show off the potential of thoroughbreds at the Salon du Cheval de Paris on November 24.

Aged 13, SUNNY BRUERE was retrained at the age of five after a modest career over jumps and on the flat.Given by his connections to the Seconde Chance Stable, it is at this establishment that it was love at first sight for his current rider and owner, Clemence Chaumat. She remembers, "One of my friends worked at the stable at the time. I already knew about ex-racehorses, but more for leisure rather than competitive riding. I was looking for a big grey horse, with a good jump and nice paces, for a small budget. Otherwise known as a rare pearl! But…when my friend invited me to try SUNNY BRUERE, it was love at first sight and I left with him! That was just a month after he had retired from racing."

This was followed by a long retraining process where SUNNY BRUERE showed lots of character, as well as potential. Clemence Chaumat explains, "SUNNY BRUERE is a very kind horse, but he has lots of character. He can quickly stop when the work becomes too boring or constraining. He can do everything, but it needs to be enjoyable for him too".

As a six-year-old, Clemence and SUNNY BRUERE took part in competitions in France and in England. SUNNY BRUERE was then ridden by a professional rider for a year before returning to Clemence. "When he came back to me we continued to improve up to international level where we competed for the first time, in July 2016, at the CCI* at Jardy. Some good results followed until SUNNY BRUERE fell very ill. I really was afraid I would lose him."

SUNNY BRUERE suffered from eye ulcers that saw him in intensive care for more than a month. Today, although he is much better, he does still have some after-effects. His rider continues, "He still has some scars on the inside of his eyes that stops him from seeing well in shady areas. This makes it difficult with cross-country courses that are based in forests. At the beginning of the year, even though we were placed in the first three after the show-jumping, I had to retire from the cross-country."

Nevertheless, SUNNY BRUERE is not just a one trick pony, as with his lovely paces, Clemence Chaumat is also aiming to compete in show-jumping competitions at 125cm and the French Championships for Dressage in the 2019 season. She explains, "SUNNY BRUERE, like all thoroughbreds in my opinion, has a huge heart and is capable of doing anything if we give them time to understand and explain. Thoroughbreds have a real character, and constraining them is not good for them, when we are patient, they give us everything ! "

The partnership will be present during the demonstrations organised by Au-Dela Des Pistes on Saturday, November 24 at the Salon du Cheval de Paris, and Clemence Chaumat and SUNNY BRUERE are excellent ambassadors for the retraining of racehorses. The team thanks them for coming!

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For October’s edition of the Retrained Racehorse series, we are delighted to present SHAHWARDI. This 12-year-old gelding amassed over €350,000 during his race career. He now competes at an amateur level in three-day events with his rider, Doris Kantinol.

SHAHWARDI, by LANDO out of SHAMDARA, was bred and raced by His Highness the Aga Khan and trainer Alain de Royer Dupré, before being sold to Mr Anthony Bloom to continue his race career. He raced in France, Britain, Ireland and Australia, at Group level accumulating 4 wins and 14 places throughout his 26 race career. He even won a Group 2 at Caulfield racetrack in Australia and placed at the Royal Ascot meeting during his travels.

He was sent to be retrained in 2014 and was bought by Laura Marland, who let Doris ride him for the 2017 season, as she was looking for a riding horse for eventing. Doris started to work with SHAHWARDI as she recounts: "He had some good basic dressage skills but he did not know how to jump. To begin with, I was unable to detect his jumping ability, but I gave him time and I committed to the challenge. We did a lot of dressage and we worked with poles on the ground. For a while he refused even to jump a 20cm obstacle! He also would not change legs and then suddenly everything fell into place." The pair now compete at an amateur Category 4 level in eventing.

A rider from Doris’ stable attended the Au Dela des Pistes Retrained Racehorse day staged in August at Deauville this year and they explained the concept of the demonstrations undertaken by former racehorses who return to the track. This inspired Doris to contact Au Delà des Pistes to see if she could participate in a similar event with SHAHWARDI. Doris explains: "At the Chantilly Retrained Racehorse day, I was much more stressed than when I compete. I was afraid Shahwardi would want to take off once he set foot on a racetrack again. To begin with he was worried about show jumping on the race track. When he finally did jump, he used a lot of power, which he does not normally do. He was however very clean over the jumps and I felt like he was enjoying himself. He did the best he could under the circumstances. I had a great day and I really enjoyed the event."

The pair would like to finish the season at amateur 3 level and the Au Dela des Pistes wish them an excellent future together.

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For the September edition of our "Retrained Racehorse of the Month" series, we have the pleasure of presenting a different approach to retraining, in the form of SWEET YASMINA, a 12-year-old thoroughbred, owned by Lisa Cronie.

SWEET YASMINA ran for four seasons over the flat for Ecurie Chalhoub and then under the colours of Antoine Sauty de Chalon, before being retrained in 2011. Her owners gave the mare to the Ligue Française pour la Protection du Cheval, as they wanted to offer her a new beginning. After several years of rest, SWEET YASMINA arrived at the Haras du Breuil, a retraining structure that is now accredited by Au Delà Des Pistes. The mare was adopted to be tried as an endurance horse. After several endurance races SWEET YASMINA became lame and she was unable to continue in this sport. She was then tried as a hunting horse, but she again became unsound and the mare was returned to the Haras du Brueil.

On her side, Lisa was looking to adopt a horse via a charity. She contacted the Ligue, who oriented her to the Haras du Breuil. Lisa wanted to find a riding horse, but above all, a companion, with which she could forge a real relationship. Lisa contacted Gautier-Jean Burgat, the owner of the Haras du Breuil. “I discussed at length, the horses Gautier had at his stud. He was looking after several young horses but they would not have suited me. He then told me about SWEET YASMINA. Having done some research I was not afraid to take on a horse that needed some convalescence, I just wanted to be sure she could be ridden one day,” explains Lisa. She then remembers her first meeting with the mare: “It was not love at first sight. When I saw her the first time, SWEET YASMINA, was very distant and she did not want to open up to a new person. Gautier reassured me, her comportment was due to her history and he explained her past. The first time I rode her, she took off with me. Despite all this, I felt we were guided towards each other and I wanted to give her a chance, as I was convinced our relationship would improve.”

Gautier-Jean accompanied the rider and her mare, all through their convalescence. Lisa also turned to Anna Evans, a veterinarian that specialises in animal communication. After a year, SWEET YASMINA, lives in a paddock at her new owner’s property and she has blossomed both physically and mentally.
Lisa is convinced the period of convalescence for the mare, was beneficial for their relationship and declares: “to take a horse that needs time off, is like helping someone to rebuild. This brings something extra to the relationship that would not be there otherwise. It took time to build our confidence together but now our connection is much stronger. I would do anything for her, I would never abandon her and she seems to understand this. I always try to listen to her needs and I would not force her to do anything she doesn’t want to and if she doesn’t want to be ridden, that’s not a problem. For me, respect and understanding are the most important aspects of a relationship with a horse. I now understand her preferences. For example she likes to be ridden in a head collar and bare back because she feels closer to me. YASMINA has given purpose to my life”. 

Au-Delà des Pistes wishes a warm and enjoyable future for this lovely pair.

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For August’s edition of “Retrained Racehorse of the Month”, we have chosen MAMAMIA OF COURSE. After a modest career on the flat and over jumps, this 10-year-old gelding now shares his life with his former exercise rider, Charlotte Masseron, with whom he does ethological riding demonstrations.

MAMAMIA OF COURSE arrived at the Maisons-Laffitte stables of Jean-Louis Gay at the same time as Charlotte Masseron, who was just starting as an exercise rider. He raced a few times on the flat and over jumps without much result.

In training for two years, he was then retrained in 2012 following a fracture to his front left pedal bone. Contacted by his trainer, the exercise rider decided to take MAMAMIA OF COURSE, her favourite at the stable, to avoid him having a tragic end.

"He stood out from the others as he was very playful, and it was this side that I loved even though it wasn’t always easy to handle," Charlotte Masseron remembers. At the time, she was taking a course in ethological equitation. She therefore resumed her horse’s education from scratch and “re-broke” him using this method.

Having left the world of racing, she decided to take her BPJEPS with MAMAMIA OF COURSE. Charlotte explains, "He is a very generous horse that gives you everything. He adapts easily and learns and understands quickly! Thanks to ethology, he is very light in dressage and doesn’t ask questions in cross-country. For the BPJEPS, I am the only one to have passed the exam with my own horse and we managed to get our diploma despite the reservations people had about us! You can do everything with a thoroughbred when we take time, they are horses that need to understand first."

The duo showed their talents with a demonstration at the Retrained Racehorse Day at Deauville on August 25 for Au-Dela Des Pistes. "I am very happy with him – he behaved exceptionally during his time in Deauville. He was very calm. During the demonstration, he wasn’t as relaxed as I would have liked because he was a bit stressed by the environment that reminded him of racing, but I am very proud of him and our history. It’s important to show people what ex-racehorses can do. The day was a very good experience for both of us," says Charlotte Masseron.

MAMAMIA OF COURSE wore just a rope headcollar with a short string during this demonstration. They also compete in eventing at Amateur 3 category.

The Au-Dela Des Pistes team thank MAMAMIA OF COURSE and Charlotte Masseron for their amazing participation and it will be a pleasure to see them again.

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For the July edition of our series of "Retrained Racehorse of the Month", we have chosen ROYAL CAROUSEL’s story. A grey gelding that ran on the flat and over jumps in his previous career, he was crowned Vice-Champion of France in the Hunter category on July 27 with his rider Severine Moreau.

Trained by Jean-Yves Artu, ROYAL CAROUSEL took part in around 10 races during his career. Severine, who rode him from time to time in training, fell in love with the horse that she was taking for a ride.

Running on the flat and over jumps, ROYAL CAROUSEL picked up an injury that required time off, so Severine offered to take him for six months. His owner Monsieur Jouanno then decided to put him back into training, but with the risk of injuring himself again too great, he was then retired and given to Severine.

He stayed in the field for five years. "This transitional time was very important because it allowed him to clear his head and get rid of all the pressure," says Severine. This is not her first experience of ex-racehorses, because ROYAL CAROUSEL is the third that she has had.

Wanting to compete again, she put him back into work, and together they began their partnership in a show-jumping competition in 2008. "ROYAL CAROUSEL is a horse that gives everything and loves being petted. He is also very obedient and has a very good stride which is needed for a Hunter," explains Severine. With his nice paces, Severine and her horse switched to this discipline with great success.

The duo recorded some very good results before taking part in the French National Hunter Championship on July 27, 2018. "The day before the event, ROYAL CAROUSEL hit his eye in the box and it swelled up a lot. I thought we would have to withdraw. Luckily the following day his eye was a lot better! We were able to take part in the competition and the first day everything went well and we were provisionally placed second overnight. The second day a pole fell, which lost us first place," said Severine. ROYAL CAROUSEL and his rider still came second in the competition!

Now a 17-year-old, Severine is looking at a final year of competing with the gelding, before giving him a well-deserved retirement in the field with her.

The Au-Dela Des Pistes team congratulates ROYAL CAROUSEL and Severine Moreau for their performance and wish them the best of luck in the future. THANK YOU for promoting the potential of ex-racehorses so well!

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All roads lead to the French Club Elite Show Jumping Championships for our retrained racehourse of the month of June, ZAMBA BEAUTY! After having won the title of Champion of the Eure Department, ZAMBA BEAUTY, now a 13-year-old and ridden by Sarah Houssais, will take a further step on the path to becoming national champion in two weeks’ time at Lamotte-Beuvron.

And yet, ZAMBA BEAUTY’s original story was one that had a very different destiny. Retrained as a four-year-old after a modest flat career, she was part of a group of horses that were owned by a horse dealer and destined to ride in the "wrong truck". Luckily, he instead decided to give her to a rider that played Horse-Ball and also retrained her.

Sold on to another rider that then abandoned her, ZAMBA BEAUTY eventually found a home for life with her new owner Sarah Houssais. She remembers, "I was going around the livery yards in Normandy when I found ZAMBA BEAUTY. A man was looking after her as best he could as her owner had abandoned her, and he told me that she was a lovely mare that needed a good home. She wasn’t very good-looking, but I fell for her."

Even if the subsequent retraining wasn’t the easiest, the new pair competed for the first time in 2015 in show-jumping events at Club 2 level (around 85cm). Sarah Houssais remembers, "The start was very difficult. ZAMBA BEAUTY, even if she has a lovely temperament was very nervous and stressed. She learnt quickly, but any change in her environment made her panic. We took a year to be able to jump two fences together quietly. And then, it all fell into place ! "

It really did fall into place, as one year after that in 2016, ZAMBA BEAUTY finished close to the placings in the French Owners’ championships at Lamotte-Beuvron in Club 1 (95cm) and was eighth in the conformation and paces competition. Constantly progressing, the pair won the Eure Championships on June 11 to qualify for the National Championships back at Lamotte-Beuvron. Sarah Houssais outlines, "ZAMBA BEAUTY is amazing. She has a character trait that all thoroughbreds have in my experience - generosity. They have an enormous heart and will give everything when you ask for it if they trust you. Not to mention their capacity to adapt to anything ! "

The Au-Dela Des Pistes team congratulate the pair on their fantastic story and wish them the best of luck in their next venture that is coming up quickly !

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For this month’s Retrained Racehorse series, we return to the popular discipline of eventing, where we have the pleasure to present CORBON, a 4 year old gelding, ridden by the International Eventing Rider, Barbara Sayous.

Trained originally by the champion Pau based trainer, Jean-Claude Rouget, CORBON won once from four outings on the flat. However his trainer soon realised that whilst a great career as a racehorse did not beckon, the gelding had potential as an eventing horse due to his athleticism and his calm nature. Barbara Sayous explains: "Jean-Claude called my father and I to say he had a horse that he felt had potential as a sport horse. My father went to see him in training and immediately fell in love with him. We therefore brought him back home and turned him out in a field for 3 to 4 months so he could finish growing and put on some weight. He has such a kind and affectionate nature that we said to ourselves, even if he does not make it as a sport horse, we’ll keep him as a riding horse!"

However after only several weeks of retraining, CORBON quickly proved to be a great student when working on the flat and over poles. His rider explains: "CORBON has a fantastic temperament. He has always been calm, straight forward and hard working. Obviously we had to teach him to work in the correct way, to learn not to be in a rush during his exercises. To begin with, it was difficult to teach him how to jump as he did not understand that he had to go over the obstacles. However one day the penny dropped, over a straight line of jumps and since then he thinks this is fun and is very respectful of the fences."

The International 3 star rider, Barbara Sayous, also makes the following point: "There are a lot of misconceptions with thoroughbreds. However these horses are extremely hard working and eager to please. CORBON is not the first thoroughbred we have retrained. Their character that is kind, respectful and straight-forward is undeniably their best feature. They also have a natural aptitude to gallop in the cross country phase of eventing. I have ridden many warm blood breeds to a high level and I can testify that many are not as easy as ex-racehorses and they do not gallop as fast either! To those riders out there that are still hesitating about whether to try an ex-racehorse as an eventing horse, I say to them, stop hesitating!"

Since the beginning of the 2018 season, CORBON has competed twice in showjumping competitions, scoring 4 and 8 penalties respectively. "He made small errors that a young horse makes, but they were not important", explained Barbara Sayous. Today, Monday 28th May CORBON undertook his first eventing competition, ridden by François Pons, another high level eventing rider and Barbara’s partner. This first test in the discipline ended with an excellent third place in the overall standings after two magnificent clear-round on CSO and cross-country.

All the Au-Delà des Pistes team wishes to congratulate CORBON and Barbara Sayous for their success so far and we wish you an excellent future together. THANK YOU for showing the potential of the ex-racehorse.

To see Corbon in video, don't hesitate to click on the Facebook page of Barbara Bayous Eventing.

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For the April edition of our « Retrained Racehorse of the Month » series, we have the pleasure to present CLAY DAVIS, a six year old gelding that has been retrained as a vaulting horse by the Machecoul Riding School in the Loire-Atlantique region. This riding centre are regular winners of vaulting competitions at departmental, regional and national level in this specialised equine discipline.

CLAY DAVIS never raced as a racehorse and he was retired from training as a three year old. He was then sent to the Au-Delà Des Pistes accredited retraining centre Ecurie Seconde Chance. His eventual vaulting trainer, Alex Laurent, manager and instructor at the Machecoul Riding School, bought CLAY DAVIS from a local riding club that was ceasing their activity due to financial constraints. Alex explains: "I really like this breed of horse and I have worked with them a lot throughout my career. Thoroughbreds are both intelligent and extremely generous horses. We have four ex-racehorses at our stables but only CLAY DAVIS has been trained as a vaulting horse."

CLAY DAVIS was not bought for this purpose as Alex explains : " For vaulting we tend to look for very big horses, with long, broad backs so the rider has enough space to execute their moves. CLAY DAVIS is a small horse, measuring 16 hands. However his temperament compensates for his size. He is very calm and concentrated on his work even if sometimes he jumps around like a thoroughbred! He will probably never reach a high level of vaulting but he is likely to participate soon in his first vaulting competition. He also has potential in dressage and eventing. He’s a really lovely horse and he retrained very quickly as a vaulting horse."

The Au-Delà des Pistes team wishes a successful first vaulting competition for CLAY DAVIS in this discipline that is rare to find an ex-racehorse, but as we like to say: these horses can do anything!

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For March’s edition of the retrained racehorse of the month series, we celebrate a French cultural tradition: High School Dressage (or Dressage Haute Ecole). LILLY FORTUNE had a modest race career from four to five years, before excelling in this elegant and renowned discipline of the French equestrian world.

Nicolas Defoix, manager of the Haras de la Tuilerie, near Montélimar and a professional dressage coach, bought LILLY FORTUNE in August 2016 from Ecurie Second Chance, a member of the Au-Delà Des Pistes accredited network. After several months of paddock rest, LILLY FORTUNE started her apprenticeship in this classical discipline in January 2017. Nicolas Defoix explains: "We were looking for horses that would be good candidates to help instruct dressage riders for the opening of our stud. I rode thoroughbreds a lot in my youth and I am particularly fond of this breed. Indeed, I have several at my stud. I found it an interesting challenge to use thoroughbreds for Haute Ecole Dressage to show the huge potential of these horses and to prove a point to those who doubt their versatility. LILLY FORTUNE has proved this point and she is an excellent mare. We fell in love with her instantly and she has repaid that love many times over."

LILLY FORTUNE is a quick learner. Normally an Haute-Ecole jump takes about a year to learn for a horse. In one year, LILLY FORTUNE has already perfected "la croupade" and she is now learning "la courbette". Her rider explains: "Thoroughbreds have a huge capacity to learn, coupled with great energy and vitality. I have trained several different breeds of horses in Haute Ecole Dressage but you only find this energy in thoroughbreds. They have an ability to give huge vigour over a short space of time and then they return to being calm. For Dressage Haute Ecole this is exactly the type of skill we are looking for. With LILLY FORTUNE, I would say she’s quite exceptional as it is rare to find a horse that learns so quickly. She is just incredible."

Apart from spending lots of time in her paddock, LILLY FORTUNE’s training regime consists of work on the flat, in hand, over jumps and on long reins but also hacking outside, to make her the perfect training partner for future dressage riders.

The Au-Delà des Pistes team wishes an excellent continuation of her second career to LILLY FORTUNE and to Nicolas Defoix and we thank them for showing the amazing versatility of these ex-racehorses.

Haras de la Tuilerie’s website : www.harasdelatuilerie.fr
Film of LILLY FORTUNE performing the croupade: http://bit.ly/2GB1wpThttp://bit.ly/2GB1wpThttp://bit.ly/2GB1wpT

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For the February 2018 edition and as part of our monthly Retrained Racehorse of the Month, we are pleased to present the story of DUR AU MAL. This five-year-old AQPS gelding has joined the ranks of Pierre Fleury, an equestrian artist with international renown just a little less than a year ago.

DUR AU MAL has never run. Reformed at the beginning of 2017 due to a lack of aptitude, DUR AU MAL quickly joined the Pierre Fleury team in April of the same year. Justine, his wife said: "We were in contact with professional Horse-Ball players who regularly retrained former racehorses and we told them that we were looking for a horse of this type to diversify our horse picket. We usually work mainly with Highland ponies. I know Thoroughbreds well, having climbed a lot in the past, and they are horses that I particularly like because of their sensitivity."

First try, first blow of heart when the couple goes to try DUR AU MAL in one of their contact’s yard. Justine Fleury says: "DUR AU MAL is a real nice horse. He is a little looking at everything but quickly trust the human. That's why his schooling went very well. He has a very docile character. My 22-month-old daughter (whom I'm holding!) rides on her back in liberty and he stays absolutely cool. It's to tell you!." Good learning, and fast as it is because just five months after his arrival in the Fleury stables, DUR AU MAL is already performing its first performance during the Foire de Caen, in September. The wife of the artist explains: "Pierre could better talk to you than me but DUR AU MAL is very responsive. He has an extraordinary ability to learn, which is characteristic of ex-racehorses. There is also a real energy behind these horses which makes work in freedom very pleasant with them. Sometimes this can be a disadvantage because when an error is made, it takes on a much larger proportion than with other breeds of horses, but we manage to get back to work quickly. Thanks to this character trait, the evolution of DUR AU MAL has been excellent." Excellent to the point that today DUR AU MAL is raised with the piaffe, with the Spanish step, with the bed in freedom (...) and carried out recently its second representation with a third envisaged current May 2018. Next step ? Justine Fleury answers: "Now, we'll have to learn how to manage the different environments in which he will meet during the shows. The applause of the public is for example a point that he will have to learn to apprehend. But that should not be a problem because everything has always been good with him. We are also looking for a second ex-racehorse to perhaps embellish the “Thoroughbred" show with DUR AU MAL. If you know ?!" To see one of the performances of DUR AU MAL, as a dancer (at minute 59), and Pierre Fleury, click here. http://bit.ly/2F6wlSj The whole team of Au-Delà Des Pistes wishes a very nice continuation to Pierre Fleury and DUR AU MAL and will be happy to find them a new partner of show!

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For the first Retrained Racehorse of the Month for 2018, we are delighted to present DIAMONDCHOP. This former racehorse now plies his trade as a “Horse Coach” – which, if you’re like us, is an activity you’re probably discovering for the first time thanks to the many skills of retrained thoroughbreds!

DIAMONDCHOP had a short and modest racing career, which drew to a close at the end of his juvenile season.  After joining Sylvain and Amelie Martin’s Ecurie Seconde Chance, where he was successfully retrained, he was snapped up by the Nantes-based company Resurgo, a business that specialises in human resources consulting and management training.  DIAMONDCHOP is now a fully-fledged member of the Resurgo team thanks to the company’s founder and director, Vincent Lefevre, a racing enthusiast who spent over twenty years riding out in racing yards.  He told us “The thoroughbred is a very sensitive animal, with an extraordinary intelligence and ability to adapt to the environment around him.  I often say they can absorb all our emotions and they can be like a magnifying mirror showing us how we interact with others.  It’s in this manner that DIAMONDCHOP plays his part in our horse-coaching sessions.  We teach the business managers who come to us how to gain the confidence of those around them. They try different behaviours and approaches with DIAMONDCHOP and he shows them quickly if their manner is too brutal, or conversely, too timid.  For a business manager DIAMONDCHOP is an excellent tool showing them how to establish good relationships with the individuals they encounter in their work, including their employees. With a retrained racehorse the emotions and reactions are totally authentic. There is no cheating.  They have an amazing ability to understand the environment around them and react accordingly.”

When DIAMONDCHOP isn’t working he enjoys long lazy days in his field at Vincent Lefevre’s home.  Vincent tells us “he’s really quite funny, because he never reacts the same way when my ten-year-old children are looking after him, as he does when it’s me.  He’s got it all worked out!”

Au-Delà des Pistes is delighted to discover DIAMONDCHOP and his role as a horse-coach and we wish him and Vincent Lefevre the best of luck in their venture.

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In the final instalment of this year’s retrained racehorse series, we are proud to present MARADINI, an 8 year old ex-racehorse, that ran twice for his original owner, His Highness the Aga Khan before retraining to the TREC discipline.

MARADINI is bred to be a top class racehorse, by the champion sire GALILEO and he started his race career with promise. In his only two races as a two-year-old, MARADINI won on his debut before finishing fourth in a Group 3 race. However following a tendon injury, his owner/breeder, His Highness the Aga Khan, along with his trainer, Alain de Royer Dupré decided to retire the gelding from training in order to pursue an equestrian career.

Six months after his retirement from racing and once he had recuperated from his injury, MARADINI was united with his new owner Magali Allari. Together they undertook a retraining process to teach MARADINI the basics of becoming a riding horse. This was a relatively fast process as after 6 months MARADINI and Magali were able to compete in their first showjumping competition. Magali explains: “the retraining period was relatively quick with MARADINI. He has a calm temperament which allowed him to understand this new method of riding him in a short space of time. He is an amazing horse, as he has huge courage and is a very straight forward. He never questions anything I ask of him, he just keeps trying and never gives up.”

His straight-forward nature has allowed Magali to try other disciplines notably both TREC and endurance racing over the last year. Magali explains: “MARADINI is a hugely versatile horse and because of this adaptability I have been able to try several different equestrian sports with him. Ex-racehorses need a rider that will give them confidence and once they have found that confidence they are capable of excelling in many different areas. For example, MARADINI has a great jump for showjumping. For endurance and TREC racing, the “ex-racehorse” comes to the fore and I am often complimented on his cardiac capacity when he passes the vet checks during these races. To be honest, with MARADINI I am finding it hard to choose which discipline I want to specialise in, as he knows how to do everything ! »

All the Au-Delà Des Pistes team wish an excellent future for this versatile partnership!

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For the November edition of the Retrained Racehorse of the month series, we have the pleasure to present COUP DE TETE, a former hurdler that was retrained only 9 months ago. Today he is the prized eventing performer of a group of friends.

COUP DE TETE was only an average racehorse. He raced four times as a 3 and 4 year old over hurdles, but he was unable to even manage a minor place during his racing career. Trained by Ferdy Murphy, the 5-year-old gelding was tried out by ex-international eventing rider, Alvaro Perez de los Rios and straight away the Spaniard found COUP DE TETE had great potential as an equestrian athlete. When the gelding’s owners decided to retire COUP DE TETE from training, due to his lack of ability as a racehorse, it did not take long for Alvaro and his wife, Fabienne, to take on COUP DE TETE and retrain him as an eventing horse. They also decided to ask a couple of friends, Steve Partington and Lauren Briand, from Ecuries de la Venerie in Le Lion d’Angers, if they would like to participate in an owners’ partnership of the gelding.

Lauren Briand, who is currently riding COUP DE TETE, explains: “As soon as COUP DE TETE arrived at the yard, he straight away showed he had real potential as an eventing horse. He’s a very balanced horse, with a good jump like a sport horse and above all he had a good mind. Generally speaking, qualities that could be considered a disadvantage as a racehorse, are an advantage as an eventing horse.”

In less than three months after his arrival at Ecuries de la Vénerie, COUP DE TETE took part in his first competition and shortly afterwards he qualified to participate, last October, in the Young Horses category of the French Championships at Pompadour. Unfortunately, the 8 faults incurred during the show jumping phase of the competition kept the pair off the podium, but Lauren Briand was not disappointed: “He perhaps lacked a bit of experience but the 8 faults were not significant. It is obvious he will become an excellent eventing horse.”

All the Au-Delà Des Pistes team would like to wish this pair and the partnership of friends that own COUP DE TETE, a successful season in 2018 !

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Continuing our series of Retrained Racehorses, profiling former racehorses who have gone on to success in second careers, we are delighted to bring you the heart-warming story of SAPHIR DE KERZA, a former National Hunt performer who has made the successful cross-over to a career in endurance riding.

SAPHIR DE KERZA was born in 2006, at the home Bernadette and Claude Prigent.  The couple have been involved in racing for many years as owner-breeders, from their base in Brittany where they also farm.  SAPHIR DE KERZA was put into training by Bernadette and Claude and he carried their colours across the disciplines, including Cross-Country, achieving a notable win in this discipline over the famed Craon obstacles while under the care of young trainer Gabriel Leenders.

Following the end of SAPHIR DE KERZA’S racing career, the couple’s daughter, Celia, took over the reins, quite literally, directing the horse into an unlikely second career, that of endurance! It is quite rare to find ex-racehorses competing in this discipline, as Celia explains: “SAPHIR DE KERZA unfortunately bled in his final race, which can be explained by his anxiety.  It’s an unfortunate occurrence that can happen in thoroughbreds, but is thankfully not damaging to their long-term health prospects.  My parents and their trainer, Gabriel Leenders, agreed that it was in the horse’s best interests to retire him from racing.  He came home for a break, before I started a gradual muscle re-building programme. Everything went smoothly for us from day one.  One day a friend of mine suggested that we try a 20km endurance race.  We had a fantastic experience.  SAPHIR DE KERZA put in a faultless performance.  A few weeks ago we completed a 40km race.”

What is it like to ride a thoroughbred in an endurance race?  Celia replies “He understands that he won’t be returning to the racecourse, and he stays calm.  The advantage that thoroughbreds have in endurance can be found in their heart-rate.  Everybody says that this breed has a natural cardiac rhythm that is too high to allow them to compete in endurance.  And it’s true, SAPHIR DE KERZA’S heart-rate does climb quite quickly, but it remains stable and drops quickly.  They have a capacity of recovery that is significantly better than the majority of horses.  I’m always the first to present for the Vet-Check! [This is the veterinary control put in place during competitions to allow the heart-rate to be monitored and to ensure that it returns to a stable level before recommencing each stage of the endurance course]”

We are so excited to discover the wide variety of disciplines that thoroughbreds can adapt to! The whole Au-Delà des Pistes team offers their warmest congratulations and best wishes for the future to SAPHIR DE KERZA and his family.

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As part of Au-Delà des Pistes ongoing series of Ex-Racehorse of the Month, for September we are delighted to introduce you to CALCÉDOINE. An eight-year-old mare who has been retrained in the discipline of eventing, she and her rider, Vinciane Rock were recently crowned Champions of France in the Eventing Derby.

CALCÉDOINE, a daughter of the regally-bred BALLINGARRY, was bred to race and underwent training, but as it happened she did not show a natural aptitude for her first career, therefore never making it to the racecourse.  The Oise-based aftercare charity, Cheval Avenir, took charge of her retraining and she found success a second time around, thanks to the chance she was given, one which all our much-loved equine athletes deserve.

Vinciane Rock describes how they first met at Cheval Avenir, “At first I wanted bay trotter: nothing like CALCÉDOINE! But it was love at first sight and so I took her home with me.”

CALCÉDOINE and Vinciane Rock have been together for four years.   They’ve shared many experiences, trying different disciplines, including the Eventing Derby where only a few weeks ago at Lamotte Beauvron they won the coveted title of French National Champions in the Club Category.  The delighted rider proudly tells us, “CALCÉDOINE loves to show off when performing her dressage test, and she is a real warrior over the cross-country.  Sometimes she overdoes it! She is just so eager to please and perform.”

But CALCÉDOINE has another string to her bow, quite literally. The duo has also tried Mounted Archery.  As Vinciane recounts “she took to this discipline straight away.  The mutual trust that we share allows us both to really get a lot out of this activity.  She revels in it to the point where sometimes I hardly have time to shoot my arrow, when she’s already heading down the straight.  We don’t win prizes that way, but I can feel how much she enjoys it, which makes it worthwhile.  It’s essential that it’s fun for her too.”

Next season this well-established team look to add to their success on across country, in the dressage arena and also to keep trying at Mounted Archery, but “just for the sheer fun of it!”

The Au-Delà des Pistes team wishes this ‘girl power’ double act, Vinciane and Calcedoine, the very best for the future and we will be cheering them on wherever they go to compete (or just have fun!)

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For the August edition of our "Ex-Racehorse of the Month" series, we are pleased to present VISON SPÉCIAL, an ex-race horse that now excels at Extreme Cow-Boy Racing. This gelding also participated, on the 26th August, at our Retrained Racehorses Day at Deauville-La Touques racecourse. 

Born in 2005, VISON SPÉCIAL started his racing career in 2008 at Adrien Lacombe’ stables, a jumping trainer based at the Training Center of Senonnes in the Loire region, where he stayed until he was retrained in 2009. This gelding, now a 12 year old, ran exclusively over the jumps, both as a hurdler and a chaser.

Apart from falling once at Auteuil racecourse, VISON SPÉCIAL ran some creditable races in defeat placing five times in nine career starts, but he never managed to reach the winner’s enclosure.  

In the autumn of his four year old season, after just finishing 2nd at Saint-Brieuc, Vison Special was diagnosed with a tendon injury on this left foreleg. His entourage, realising that VISON SPÉCIAL had probably reached the limit of his racing potential, decided to entrust him to Deborah Leroy, his faithful and dedicated morning exercise rider. Deborah explains: "I learnt to ride racehorses with SPECIAL VISON. He was "my horse" before he actually did became my horse! I used to ride him every day in training."  

Déborah Leroy recuperated VISON SPÉCIAL in 2010 and eight months of convalescence followed. Once his tendon injury had healed, VISON SPÉCIAL gradually resumed work in order to retrain as a show-jumper, a discipline which Déborah Leroy had previous experience with before switching to riding racehorses.  

In 2012, came the first competitions for the pair, but without great success. Indeed, VISON SPÉCIAL clearly understood that showjumping bars fall rather easily. However Deborah remained undeterred and she decided to enter the pair in a Dressage competition. This proved the right decision as VISON SPÉCIAL adapted well to this new discipline. A few months later, the couple placed 7th in the Mayenne departmental dressage championships.

For the next few seasons until 2016, Déborah and VISON SPÉCIAL, decided to take up Eventing, which proved fruitful as the pair won multiple regional competitions. Déborah Leroy explains: "After doing some very good tests in dressage, I decided to take up showjumping again so that Vison Special could understand that jumping can be fun too. Then I entered a small Eventing competition, just to give it a try and it was a real revelation! VISON SPÉCIAL absolutely loved the cross-country test!"  

Unfortunately, at the end of 2016, VISON SPÉCIAL contracted a mild respiratory infection, which after some treatment left an underlying condition of emphysema. This meant both the eventing and showjumping competitions were over.  It was then that Déborah Leroy heard from a friend about a new discipline : the Extreme Cow-Boy Race. Déborah explains: "Basically, VISON SPÉCIAL has always been a very calm and genuine horse. He will go anywhere without batting an eyelid. When my friend told me about the Extreme Cow-Boy Race, I decided to give it a go. This discipline is not physically tiring for the horse. It is above all his honesty, his respectfulness, his intelligence and his connection with the rider that will be scored by the judges. And VISON SPECIAL has these qualities in spades!"  

From their very first competition in an Extreme Cow-Boy Race last June, Déborah Leroy and VISON SPÉCIAL won the class and they have already been invited by the judges to improve the profile of this discipline throughout their equestrian network!  

All the Au-Delà des Pistes team wishes this fantastic duo a very successful season and we would also like to thank them for showing the enormous potential and versatility of ex-racehorses!

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For the July edition of our monthly "Retrained Racehorse" series, we are pleased to present FORTEZZO, a 9 year old gelding, retrained as a showjumper for the last three years by his dedicated owner and rider, Sophie Perouelle.

FORTEZZO, was bred in Germany, where he started his race career as a two-year-old in October 2010. After five races in his homeland, the distinctive roan chestnut won a claiming race at Le Croisé Laroche and he was subsequently claimed by leading owner Gérard Augustin-Normand and trainer Pia Brandt. After 16 races over three seasons for this partnership, which included four further wins at handicap and claiming race level, FORTEZZO suffered a tendon injury. He moved to the yard of Isabelle Gallorini for his convalescence and after three further races on the flat the following season, it was decided to give FORTEZZO a well-deserved retirement from racing. 

Sophie Perouelle had ridden FORTEZZO during his time at Isabelle Gallorini’s yard and after trying him over some jumps at Gallorini’s yard, Sophie offered to take the attractive gelding under her ownership at the end of 2014, to retrain him for showjumping.

After only 3 months of retraining, Sophie and FORTEZZO started competing in local show jumping competitions. Throughout their first season competing, they did not manage a clear round. However they remained undeterred and the following season clear rounds started to flow. Last year the pair finished 3rd in the Oise Departmental Championships in the Category 2 (105cm) and this year FORTEZZO and Sophie won this same competition, despite FORTEZZO being the only thoroughbred to take part in this class. 

Following this win Au-Delà Des Pistes invited the "Oise Champion" to partake in the Retrained Racehorse event that was staged at Chantilly racecourse on 9th July, where FORTEZZO led the parade of champions and show jumped in front of racegoers.

Sophie says of retraining thoroughbreds: "Racehorses are very capable of being retrained into another discipline.   The key is to listen to them, as they are very sensitive animals who like to be taken care of. It is important for people to understand that.  Fortezzo was very straightforward to retrain, even though he’d had a prolific career on the racetrack, running over twenty times. He is a natural athlete but also kind and keen to please. I believe he would also make an excellent eventing horse too and next year we will probably move up to jumping 115cm in show jumping competitions as he definitely has the ability to be competitive at this level."

We wish Sophie and FORTEZZO the best of luck in their burgeoning show jumping career!

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For June’s edition of our monthly "Retrained Racehorse" series, we are pleased to present MENS SANA (Latin for A Healthy Mind), a six-year-old mare, who has been retrained by her dedicated rider, Brieuc Rigaux, France’s number one polo player.

How They Met
In February 2014, French polo star, Brieuc Rigaux, was contacted by Pia Brandt, a Chantilly-based racehorse trainer, who believed she had the perfect candidate to be retrained as a polo pony.

While visiting Pia Brandt’s yard in Chantilly it was another horse, a "magnificent bay brown mare" that caught the polo professional’s eye. Rigaux reflected: "The first horse presented to me by Pia Brandt did not suit me. Though he had no faults he did not meet my own personal criteria, but this other one, she caught my eye. As I walked through the stables, I noticed MENS SANA, who Pia was also looking to put into a retraining programme. She was stunning! She was bay-brown, which is may favourite colour and I just had to have her."

So, they discussed the future together: "Pia Brandt had already entrusted me with several horses to retrain, but she was hesitant about MENS SANA’S aptitude for polo. Pia thought she would be too tall for the discipline. However, size is not the only criteria in selecting a polo pony, it is also a lightness of foot and stride length.  The more fleet-footed a horse is, with a shorter stride pattern, the greater their potential to become a good polo pony.  After discussing it together, Pia finally agreed to let me try MENS SANA, and I’m very grateful to her for her confidence me."

The Retraining
Prior to being entrusted to Brieuc Rigaux, the then three-year-old MENS SANA had raced three times, during a short and modest racing career. 

She began her retraining as a polo pony in March 2014. Right away she began to show an unusual facility for the requirements of her new discipline. Brieuc Rigaux told us: "MENS SANA immediately showed a natural aptitude for polo. Her stride is short and she is very relaxed.  She does not waste energy doing more than is asked of her, and she is very sociable. She is very willing which is a characteristic of the thoroughbred."

The rapid progression of MENS SANA in her new discipline has been a pleasant surprise to her rider and trainer, and has forced him to show a certain amount of restraint. Brieuc explained: "The hardest part has been to try and take things slowly with her, as she learns so quickly that she wants to move up a level before she is really ready.  The way my process works is that we train them for one or two months fairly intensively, then we give them a three-month spell, before bringing them back and repeating.  In this way, they build their muscle mass, but keep fresh minds.  The physical and the mental aspects go together."

Reaching the top
After a year and a half of training, MENS SANA and Brieuc Rigaux began competing together. To start with it was so that the mare could gain experience, but recently she has become an integral member of Brieuc Rigaux’s team, French Kiss.  During the recent Spring Triple Crown tournament at the Polo Club de Chantilly, MENS SANA was chosen as the best mare or MVP of the competition. 

The Au-Delà des Pistes team is delighted to wish MENS SANA and Brieuc Rigaux the very best wishes for the future and we look forward to following their continued success. 

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For May’s edition of our monthly « Retrained Racehorse» series, we are pleased to present ABI PRETTY, a 7 year old mare, retrained as a three day eventer for the last three years by her loyal rider, Manon Filliou.

ABI PRETTY, was born to race and she was trained in Damien Cadot’s yard. However, after several months of training, ABI PRETTY’s entourage discovered she had a respiratory issue which proved problematic for her training and racing career. In fact ABI PRETTY was born without a pair of ribs, on the right side of her rib cage. Her rider, Manon Filliou, explains: “ABI PRETTY was born without two ribes on her right side. If you look carefully you can see she has a slight indentation on this side. The daily exercise of training to race was too much for her, given this handicap. She did not suffer in any way, but this deficiency stopped her from progressing normally in training due to a lack of respiratory capacity.” ABI PRETTY’s entourage, her trainer but also her owner breeder, Pauline Bouguier, decided to reorient ABI PRETTY to equestrian sports, to offer her a second career. Manon Filliou explains: “Her owner, Pauline Bouguier, who is also a friend of mine, asked me to take Abi to retrain her to become an eventer, given this sport is my passion. I accepted with great pleasure and we started the retraining process, with regular training sessions in both dressage and show jumping”. For the last 3 years, ABI PRETTY and Manon have progressed together and they achieved a first place in February 2016 in a Young Horse class. The proud rider explained: “Abi is a mare that is always trying to please. She retrained to eventing with very little difficulty. Over cross country courses, her missing ribs are absolutely not a problem. In fact she is very fast, naturally.” On the Lion d’Angers racecourse on 25th May, ABI PRETTY and Manon, who are sponsored by ADDP for the 2017 eventing season, demonstrated their skills as part of the first Retrained Racehorse day organised by the charity this year. Accompanied by Anaïs Rimbod and Marvillia, another ex-racehorse, the pair performed in front of the Le Lion d’Angers public, who were no doubt impressed to see what an ex-racehorse can achieve with some retraining. “It was a great experience”, details Manon. “I am proud of my mare. She behaved impeccably, despite the crowds and the noise from the racecourse. I think she loved being the centre of attention!”.

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It is with great pleasure that we present the winner, FABULOUSLY, nominated by his owner for the last 8 years Laure Grall.

During the month of April, Au-Delà Des Pistes launched a competition via our Facebook page to elect the Retrained Racehorse of the Month. Following many applications sent in by owners of ex-racehorses, three finalists were selected by the ADDP team. Browsers were asked to choose their favourite candidate, and it is with great pleasure that we present the winner, FABULOUSLY, nominated by his owner for the last 8 years Laure Grall.

Born in 2003, FABULOUSLY, was sent into training as a two-year-old to Thomas Trapenard’s yard, where Laure’s husband Erwan worked as an assistant trainer. FABULOUSLY (alias "Kiki") started his race career on 25th September 2005 at Fontainebleau for his owner, Claude Cohen. However it was over the jumps at Auteuil where Kiki excelled. After winning several races including a Listed event, FABULOUSLY was also placed multiple times in Graded races.

After being transferred to trainer Robert Collet’s yard, FABULOUSLY’s career ended abruptly after a fall at Auteuil which resulted in a multiple fracture of his left knee. Whilst his race career was over, his life was not. Laure and Erwan Grall ask to rehome their beloved gelding, to offer him a retirement as a professional lawnmower! However two years later, an x-ray examination revealed FABULOUSLY’s knee had healed well enough to envisage a new equestrian career.

He returned to Maisons-Laffitte to start training in the equestrian jumping arenas and the forest before starting his second career. As Laure explains "it was not that difficult to train Kiki for an equestrian career. He has a playful spirit, sometimes a bit too much, and he loves it when we give him lots of attention. His apprenticeship was undertaken gently and progressively. With a thoroughbred, you must be conscious that everything cannot be achieved straight away. You must learn to stop if a training session is not working out and start again the next day. After we understood these valuable lessons, we started to achieve some results".

It was in 2012 that the aptly named FABULOUSLY and Laure participated in their first show-jumping class, then hunter classes and finally, eventing competitions, which turns out to be their natural discipline. "He is always looking for the fences and the clock is never a problem as he is so fast over the courses", explains his grateful rider.

"We have now competed in a lot of famous eventing arenas, such as Le Lion d’Angers and Saumur. But the most important was the Tartas, during the 2016 French National Eventing championships. We did not bring back any trophies but many proud and happy memories."

2017 has started well for the pair with a good 9th place finish at the Bonneville event in the Amateur 2 class. 

The Au-Delà Des Pistes team wishes this magnificent duo an excellent season in 2017 !

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For this month, Au-Delà Des Pistes is delighted to present ICE STONE. This 8 year old gelding, was owned and bred by the Marquise de Moratella.

For this month, Au-Delà Des Pistes is delighted to present ICE STONE. This 8 year old gelding, was owned and bred by the Marquise de Moratella. Trained by Didier Guillemin, who is based in the South West of France, ICE STONE won three races during his career. His owner places great importance on the welfare of her horses: before, during and after their race careers. This was illustrated by ICE STONE’s story, as following a tendon injury as a 4 year old, he was sent back to ACF Equine in Saint Lambert la Potherie, which manages the horses of the Marquise de Moratella. It is here that ICE STONE met his new rider, Pierre-Hugues Henry, manager of ACF Equine but also a professional Horse-Ball player. After a period of convalescence, ICE STONE was retrained for this unique sport. After several training sessions, ICE STONE and Pierre-Hugues started to compete for the Angers Horse-Ball team and rose to participate at the highest level, the Pro-Elite league. On the 11th March, during the French Horse-Ball Championships at Deauville, the pair won as part of the Angers team against Chambly and were presented with a magnificent Au-Delà Des Pistes saddlecloth!

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Dublin’s famous racecourse, Leopardstown, hosted the Gr.1 Irish Champion Hurdle meeting on Sunday 29th January 2017. At this year’s meeting, the champion hurdler, Hurricane Fly came back to parade at the racecourse.

"The Fly", trained by Willie Mullins in Ireland, is well known for his amazing hurdling performances and he holds the world record for the most Grade or Group 1 races won by any racehorse. After a tremendous career in which he won 22 contests at the top level, including five victories in the Gr.1 Irish Champion Hurdle, Hurricane Fly’s connections took the decision to retire him in August 2015. Since then, this "horse of a lifetime" has joined the Irish National Stud’s "Living Legends" team for a peaceful retirement. 

During the afternoon, a life-size bronze was unveiled at Leopardstown in honour of Hurricane Fly and the champion came back to the racecourse prior to the Gr.1 Irish Champion Hurdle to parade in front of his adoring fans.

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After Sprinter Sacred a few months ago, another champion, Don Cossack, winner of the Cheltenham Gold Cup in 2016, has retired.

Following a light injury, trainer Gordon Elliott and his owners Gigginstown House Stud, have decided to halt the race career of Don Cossack. The 10 year old gelding will live out a quiet retirement, in the paddocks of Gigginstown House Stud. Congratulations to all his connections and to Don Cossack for his admirable race career including 16 victories and 6 at the highest level.

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On Friday 30th December 2016, Au-Delà Des Pistes was present at Pau racecourse for the parade of Monpilou, the best Anglo-Arab of his generation. This versatile chaser and hurdler regularly defeated thoroughbreds throughout his brilliant career.

Since retiring from the racetracks, Monpilou, has been under the care of Valery Pascal Dupouy for two years in the south-west of France, after his owner Jacques Détré entrusted him with his gelding to live out a peaceful retirement.

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At Cheltenham racecourse on the 13th November 2016, the champion two mile chaser Sprinter Sacré, paraded in front of a packed crowd to bid farewell to his fans.

His trainer, Nicky Henderson, had recently announced the nine time Grade I winner was retiring from competition to live out a peaceful retirement. Well done to all the connections of this magnificent and legendary horse.

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