Cancellation of the third stage of the Au-Delà des Pistes Trophy on Tuesday 1st May

Due to the Rhinopneumonia (HVE1) cases listed in the Pays de Loire region, and notably in the department of Sarthe, the contest organizers considered it preferable to cancel the third stage of the Au-Delà des Pistes Trophy, as well as all four days of competitions.
Press Release of Philipe Rossi, director of the Boulerie Jump :
"After contacting the liability services, in particular the RESPEand the FFE, we confirmed that the situation does not prohibitEquine gatherings but all health recommendationsadvocate to avoid them, with a call for vigilance that intensifiesover time.
We had put in place all possible protective measuresbut we are obviously not able to prevent anycome on the site of the European Pole of the Horse, horsespotentially at risk, having attended infected horses.As a precaution, out of respect for horses, theirriders, their owners, we finally decided to cancelthe competition this weekend from April 27 to May 1.
The commitments, boxes, accommodation on site will be reimbursed.
We thank all the riders who have shown their supportand we hope to quickly fix another date to offer youa new exceptional sporting event with Harcour ourpartner .
Philippe Rossi"
The well-being of the horses being a priority, the team of Au-Delà des Pistes will not fail to keep the riders informed of the postponement, or not, of this third stage.
More on Au-Delà des Pistes:
Twitter: @audeladespistes
Project Manager: Marine Thevenet - Tel: +33 6 79 59 97 49